搜索到8441篇“ PALSY“的相关文章
Isolated Third Nerve Cranial Palsy: Complication of Brain Aneurysm
This case report highlights a critical and emergent condition, isolated third nerve cranial palsy due to a brain aneurysm. It emphasizes the importance of differential diagnosis and attentiveness to the physical exam in an emergency setting. The detailed progression from initial symptoms and misinterpretation to final diagnosis offers valuable insight into the dangers of overlooking critical diagnoses. A bilobed intracranial aneurysm arising from the internal carotid artery (ICA) caused symptoms in this patient that could have been attributed to a less malignant etiology, such as a complex migraine. Overlooking the urgency of the situation and missing the diagnosis could have had a grave and irreversible outcome.
Diana MagiricuMichelle Garcia-Rybkin
An overview of acupuncture for the treatment of limb spasticity in cerebral palsy-A mini review
Cerebral palsy is a common chronic disabling disease in children with special needs,and rehabilitation for cerebral palsy is characterized by a long period,multiple methods and limited efficacy.Due to the limited motor function of cerebral palsy patients,the quality of life of patients is reduced,and their ability to participate in society is reduced,so the improvement of patients’motor function has become an important goal of cerebral palsy rehabilitation.The motor function of cerebral palsy has become an important goal of cerebral palsy rehabilitation.Limb spasticity is one of the main clinical signs of cerebral palsy patients,and the more severe the limb spasticity is,the greater the impact on the patient's motor function,so improving limb spasticity in patients with cerebral palsy is particularly important.Acupuncture,as a Chinese medicine treatment method,has been widely used in the clinical treatment of cerebral palsy in China,and has shown certain efficacy.To promote the clinical application of acupuncture technique in cerebral palsy limb spasticity,this paper analyses and summarizes the relevant literature on acupuncture treatment of cerebral palsy limb spasticity summarizes the current status of the clinical application of acupuncture in cerebral palsy limb spasticity,and provides clinical references for the reasonable application of acupuncture in cerebral palsy limb spasticity.
Xiao-yu ShenJian-guo ZhongCui-hua Dan
Effect of VOJTA Therapy on Gross Motor Function in Children with Cerebral Palsy
Objective: To investigate the effect of VOJTA therapy on gross motor function in children with cerebral palsy. Methods: The 86 children with cerebral palsy were all from the First People’s Hospital of Jingzhou City from January 2023-December 2023, and were divided into the control group and the study group with 43 cases according to the principle of voluntariness. Results: In terms of total effective rate of treatment, the gross motor function scale-88 (GMFM-88) was used to evaluate the effective rate before and after treatment, and the effective rate of the study group was higher than that of the control group, and the difference was statistically significant, and the scores of gross motor items of GMFM-88 were better than those of the control group after treatment, and the difference was statistically significant (P 0.05). Conclusion: The application of VOJTA therapy in the treatment of children with cerebral palsy can not only promote the rehabilitation of gross motor function, but also help to improve the treatment effect, and the earlier the treatment, the better.
Tian MaCeng LiYabo Liu
Genetic pathways in cerebral palsy:a review of the implications for precision diagnosis and understanding disease mechanisms被引量:1
Ce rebral palsy is a diagnostic term utilized to describe a group of permanent disorders affecting movement and posture.Patients with cerebral palsy are often only capable of limited activity,resulting from non-progressive disturbances in the fetal or neonatal brain.These disturbances severely impact the child’s daily life and impose a substantial economic burden on the family.Although cerebral palsy encompasses various brain injuries leading to similar clinical outcomes,the unde rstanding of its etiological pathways remains incomplete owing to its complexity and heterogeneity.This review aims to summarize the current knowledge on the genetic factors influencing cerebral palsy development.It is now widely acknowledged that genetic mutations and alterations play a pivotal role in cerebral palsy development,which can be further influenced by environmental fa ctors.Des pite continuous research endeavors,the underlying fa ctors contributing to cerebral palsy remain are still elusive.However,significant progress has been made in genetic research that has markedly enhanced our comprehension of the genetic factors underlying cerebral palsy development.Moreove r,these genetic factors have been categorized based on the identified gene mutations in patients through clinical genotyping,including thrombosis,angiogenesis,mitochondrial and oxidative phosphorylation function,neuronal migration,and cellular autophagy.Furthermore,exploring targeted genotypes holds potential for precision treatment.In conclusion,advancements in genetic research have substantially improved our understanding of the genetic causes underlying cerebral palsy.These breakthroughs have the potential to pave the way for new treatments and therapies,consequently shaping the future of cerebral palsy research and its clinical management.The investigation of cerebral palsy genetics holds the potential to significantly advance treatments and management strategies.By elucidating the underlying cellular mechanisms,we can develop to rgeted interventions to optim
Yiran XuYifei LiSeidu A.RichardYanyan SunChanglian Zhu
Allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells may be a viable treatment modality in cerebral palsy
BACKGROUND Cerebral palsy(CP)describes a group of disorders affecting movement,balance,and posture.Disturbances in motor functions constitute the main body of CP symptoms.These symptoms surface in early childhood and patients are affected for the rest of their lives.Currently,treatment involves various pharmacotherapies for different types of CP,including antiepileptics for epilepsy and Botox A for focal spasticity.However,none of these methods can provide full symptom relief.This has prompted researchers to look for new treatment modalities,one of which is mesenchymal stem cell therapy(MSCT).Despite being a promising tool and offering a wide array of possibilities,mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs)still need to be investigated for their efficacy and safety.AIM To analyze the efficacy and safety of MSCT in CP patients.METHODS Our sample consists of four CP patients who cannot stand or walk without external support.All of these cases received allogeneic MSCT six times as 1×106/kg intrathecally,intravenously,and intramuscularly using umbilical cord-derived MSCs(UC-MSC).We monitored and assessed the patients pre-and post-treatment using the Wee Functional Independence Measure(WeeFIM),Gross Motor Function Classification System(GMFCS),and Manual Ability Classification Scale(MACS)instruments.We utilized the Modified Ashworth Scale(MAS)to measure spasticity.RESULTS We found significant improvements in MAS scores after the intervention on both sides.Two months:Rightχ^(2)=4000,P=0.046,leftχ^(2)=4000,P=0.046;four months:Rightχ^(2)=4000,P=0.046,leftχ^(2)=4000,P=0.046;12 months:Rightχ^(2)=4000,P=0.046,leftχ^(2)=4000,P=0.046.However,there was no significant difference in motor functions based on WeeFIM results(P>0.05).GMFCS and MACS scores differed significantly at 12 months after the intervention(P=0.046,P=0.046).Finally,there was no significant change in cognitive functions(P>0.05).CONCLUSION In light of our findings,we believe that UC-MSC therapy has a positive effect on spasticity,and it partially improves motor function
Osman BoyalıSerdar KabatasErdinçCivelekOmer OzdemirYeliz Bahar-OzdemirNecati KaplanEyüp Can SavrunluErdal Karaöz
Role of targeted neuromodulation in the treatment of congenital unilateral lower lip palsy:A clinical case report
Congenital unilateral lower lip palsy(CULLP),or congenital hypoplasia of the depressor anguli oris muscle,also known as asymmetric crying facies,is a rare condition that results in asymmetry of the lower lip during smiling,laughing,and crying.Although the etiology is unknown,weakness of the depressor labii inferioris(DLI)muscle is implicated as a contributing factor.Currently,no well-established treatment options are available.This case report describes an 18-year-old male patient diagnosed with CULLP.Physical examination revealed a symmetric face at rest,but asymmetry when smiling and opening the mouth.Following the administration of lidocaine into the affected DLI muscle,the patient’s smile and lower lip symmetry were immediately restored without any adverse effects.Subsequently,administration of botulinum toxin for neuromodulation of the DLI muscle led to a significant improvement in symmetry and oral function within 2 weeks,which was sustained at 1 month and 3 months post-treatment.No adverse effects were reported,and both patients and families expressed high satisfaction with the outcomes.This case highlights the potential use of neuromodulation as a minimally invasive and effective treatment for CULLP.
Hafiz Saqib SikandarAli HassanAmeer Hamza
目的建立脑室周围白质损伤(PWMI)患儿发生混合型脑性瘫痪的预测模型。资料与方法回顾性纳入2015年9月—2022年10月河南中医药大学第一附属医院经MRI诊断为PWMI(6个月~2岁)并随访至2岁后确诊为混合型脑性瘫痪的患儿,将其分为混合型组和痉挛型组。使用多因素Logistic回归分析筛选与PWMI混合型脑性瘫痪相关的MRI征象并建立预测模型,采用五折交叉及重复交叉验证对模型进行内部验证。评估模型的区分度、校准度并进行决策曲线分析。分析独立MRI征象与混合型脑性瘫痪粗大运动功能分级的相关性。结果共纳入135例PWMI脑性瘫痪患儿,痉挛型100例,混合型35例。丘脑腹外侧核(OR=27.500,95%CI 8.293~90.942)、后壳核(OR=13.700,95%CI 4.489~41.549)、海马(OR=7.200,95%CI 1.702~30.813)及尾状核损伤(OR=5.800,95%CI1.973~16.950)与混合型脑性瘫痪相关,并基于以上4个变量构建预测模型。模型的曲线下面积为0.960(95%CI0.934~0.988),五折交叉及重复交叉验证的曲线下面积分别为0.95、0.96;并具有良好的校准度(χ^(2)=3.712,P=0.529)及临床应用性。模型的4个独立MRI征象均与粗大运动功能分级相关(r=0.559、0.581、0.171、0.409,P均<0.05)。结论本研究建立的预测模型可早期准确地预测PWMI混合型脑性瘫痪高危患儿。
目的:探讨痉挛型脑性瘫痪(脑瘫)患儿小腿三头肌肌肉形态、结构变化并探讨其与年龄、运动功能的相关性。方法:选取2~8岁痉挛型脑瘫36例(男18例,女18例),根据年龄、性别匹配20名正常儿童作为对照。超声成像下评估两组小腿三头肌羽状角、肌束长度、肌肉厚度、横截面积、肌腹长度、跟腱长度。使用88项粗大运动功能评定量表(GMFM-88)的D能区和E能区、改良Ashworth量表(MAS)评估脑瘫患儿的粗大运动功能和小腿肌肉痉挛程度。结果:痉挛型脑瘫患儿内、外侧腓肠肌肌肉厚度和横截面积,内、外侧腓肠肌和比目鱼肌肌束长度、内侧腓肠肌标准化肌腹长度小于对照组(P<0.05);内侧腓肠肌羽状角、标准化跟腱长度大于对照组(P<0.05);两组内侧腓肠肌肌肉厚度、横截面积、肌束长度均与年龄呈正相关(P<0.05)。脑瘫患儿内侧腓肠肌肌肉厚度及横截面积、外侧腓肠肌肌束长度、比目鱼肌肌肉厚度与GMFM总分呈正相关(r P分别为0.639、0.392、0.399、0.338,P<0.05),各肌肉形态参数与踝关节MAS评分不相关(P>0.05)。结论:痉挛型脑瘫患儿肌肉发育受限,且与运动功能水平密切相关,随着年龄增长,肌肉发育受限更为显著。


研究主题:脑性瘫痪 儿童 临床疗效研究 脑性瘫痪儿童 语言发育迟缓
研究主题:精神发育迟滞患儿 情绪问题 社会性 精神发育迟滞 体外抗真菌
研究主题:早产儿 运动发育迟缓 中西医结合干预 PEABODY运动发育量表 儿童
研究主题:阿尔茨海默病 神经干细胞 AD小鼠 心理健康 小鼠胚胎
研究主题:脊柱侧凸 外科治疗 颈椎后凸畸形 颈椎 青少年特发性脊柱侧凸