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Treatment of uveitis and scleritis patients in Malaysia
●AIM:To determine the common causes and visual outcome after treatment among uveitis and scleritis patients.●METHODS:This is a retrospective cohort observational study.All consecutive clinical records of patients with newly diagnosed uveitis and scleritis over a 4-year period,from Jan.1,2017 to Dec.31,2020,were analysed.Data was collected at the presentation and included a follow-up period of one year.●RESULTS:A total of 288 patients were recruited during the study period.Anterior uveitis was the most common anatomical diagnosis(50.0%)followed by panuveitis(25.0%),scleritis(13.5%),posterior uveitis(6.9%),and intermediate uveitis(4.5%).Viral Herpes was the most common cause of infectious cases,while Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada(VKH)disease and human leucocyte antigen(HLA)B27 spondyloarthropathy were the leading causes of identifiable non-infectious cases.Majority of patients presented with unilateral,non-granulomatous uveitis with an absence of hypopyon.Anatomical locations like posterior uveitis and panuveitis,and visual acuity worse than 3/60 at presentation were the factors associated with poor visual outcomes(P<0.05).About 60%of patients had an identifiable cause for the uveitis and scleritis,with nearly equal distribution of infectious(n=85,29.5%)and noninfectious causes(n=84,29.2%).About 14.5%of patients were clinically blind at 1y of follow-up.The most common complication in our uveitis patients was glaucoma(47.5%),followed by cystoid macula oedema(18.9%)and cataract(13.9%).●CONCLUSION:Uveitis and scleritis are important causes of ocular morbidity.They are potentially blinding diseases which can have a good outcome if diagnosed and treated early.
Sieng Teng SeowIqbal TajunisahFei Yee LeePooi Wah LottSagili Chandrasekhara Reddy
Malaysia-China Relations:Exemplary Model for ASEAN
Five Decades(1974-2024)of Harmonious and Mutually Beneficial Partnership Fifty years ago in May 1974,the second Prime Minister of Malaysia,Tun Abdul Razak,journeyed to Beijing,China,to start a new and strategic chapter in Malaysia-China relations.It was a visionary and courageous initiative by Malaysia that commenced resetting Malaysia's foreign policy towards non-alignment and building mutual trust with China.
Dato'Abdul Majid Ahmad Khan
China-Malaysia Infrastructure Cooperation Enhancing Malaysia’s Development
Infrastructure construction by Chinese enterprises in Malaysia began in 1984.In recent years,Chinese enterprises have continuously improved their technical abilities while keeping pricing reasonable and guaranteeing completion deadlines when building in Malaysia.Over the years,Malaysia has gradually recognized the professionalism and capability of Chinese enterprises.Since 2013,policy support from Malaysia has accelerated Chinese infrastructure construction there.Bilateral infrastructure cooperation in sectors of transportation,electricity,renewable energy,and the digital economy has helped Malaysia improve its development environment.
He LinxiZhao Shulan
马来半岛广泛发育的晚古生代‒早中生代岩浆作用完整地记录了古特提斯洋俯冲‒碰撞‒消亡的演化历史。该洋盆于中‒晚三叠世关闭,随之发生陆‒陆碰撞、地壳增厚以及造山带垮塌,区域上形成大规模的碰撞后火成岩,构成了东南亚古特提斯巨型火成岩带东部和中部花岗岩省的重要组成部分,但关于其岩石成因及构造背景仍然存在不同认识。因此,本文对马来半岛东部晚三叠世花岗岩开展了详细的岩相学、年代学以及地球化学研究,并结合区域地质资料综合探讨了晚三叠世岩浆作用的演化规律及深部动力学过程。研究表明马来半岛东部晚三叠世花岗岩可以分成两组:第一组为231~222 Ma,样品显示出较为富集的同位素特征((^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr)i=0.72040~0.72518,εNd(t)=−10.4~−6.7,εHf(t)=−11.5~+0.1),来自变火成岩和变杂砂岩的混合源区;第二组样品形成于218~216 Ma,对应的(^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr)i=0.70576~0.71464,εNd(t)=−9.1~−3.9,εHf(t)=−3.9~+1.9,表明其源区存在一定新生地壳物质的参与,且Ga/Al、FeO^(T)/(FeO^(T)+MgO)值及锆石饱和温度相对较高,具有典型的A型花岗岩特征。年代学结果表明古特提斯东部和中部花岗岩省晚三叠世岩浆作用的峰期为220 Ma,且具有相似的元素‒同位素变化规律,证实古特提斯洋碰撞后造山垮塌主要发生于220 Ma,软流圈上涌促使中‒下地壳物质发生部分熔融从而形成了区域大规模的岩浆作用。
余永琪钱鑫王岳军Mustapha Khairul Azlan张玉芝
Development and validation of a novel questionnaire regarding vision screening among preschool teachers in Malaysia
AIM:To develop and evaluate the validity and reliability of a knowledge,attitude,and practice questionnaire related to vision screening(KAP-VST)among preschool teachers in Malaysia.METHODS:The questionnaire was developed through a literature review and discussions with experts.Content and face validation were conducted by a panel of experts(n=10)and preschool teachers(n=10),respectively.A pilot study was conducted for construct validation(n=161)and test-retest reliability(n=60)of the newly developed questionnaire.RESULTS:Based on the content and face validation,71 items were generated,and 68 items were selected after exploratory factor analysis.The content validity index for items(I-CVI)score ranged from 0.8-1.0,and the content validity index for scale(S-CVI)/Ave was 0.99.Internal consistency was KR^(2)0=0.93 for knowledge,Cronbach’s alpha=0.758 for attitude,and Cronbach’s alpha=0.856 for practice.CONCLUSION:The KAP-VST is a valid and reliable instrument for assessing knowledge,attitude,and practice in relation to vision screening among preschool teachers in Malaysia.
Shazrina AriffinSaadah Mohamed AkhirSumithira Narayanasamy
On the Relationship between Chinese Language Education in Malaysia and Indonesia with Their National Conditions
Chinese language education exists in both Malaysia and Indonesia. The commonalities and individualities of the national conditions of both countries have an impact on their Chinese language education. The official languages scripts, and major beliefs of the two countries are quite similar, and under their influence, local Chinese have special expectations for Chinese language education. Compared to Indonesia, Malaysian Chinese have a larger proportion of the population and a tendency towards marriage, which to some extent is more conducive to the Chinese language education of local Chinese. Both countries’ national conditions and personalities have unfavorable factors for local Chinese language education.
Limao Chen
Everyone Wins with China and Malaysia
China-Malaysia economic cooperation began in 1974.Over the last 50 years,direct investment and trade ties have been the heart of bilateral economic cooperation.While injecting continuous momentum to the two countries’economic development,such cooperation has been exemplary for China’s cooperation with ASEAN member states.
Zhao Shulan
Population dynamics of the tropical oyster Magallana bilineata(Mollusca,Bivalvia,Ostreidae)in Mengkabong Bay,Tuaran,Malaysia
Knowledge about the population dynamics within a specific spatial area is vital for the effective planning and management of important fishery resources.Population parameters,including the asymptotic length(L∞),growth coefficient(K),mortalities(Z,F,and M),recruitment pattern,exploitation level(E),and yield per recruit(Y’/R),of the tropical oyster Magallana bilineata in Mengkabong Bay,Tuaran,Malaysia were analyzed by using the FiSAT software,using on the monthly shell length-frequency data collected from April 2019 to March 2020.A total of 435 oysters with shell lengths ranging from 3.64 to 11.16 cm were analyzed.Habitat water temperature,salinity,dissolved oxygen,hydrogen ion concentration(pH),and chlorophyll concentration were measured at 29.0-33.7◦C,26.68-35.74 psμ,3.18-6.99 mg/L,6.57-8.29 and 1.51-98.93μg/L,respectively.The logarithmic relationship between the length and weight of Log W=1.9055 Log L+0.1049(R2=0.5431)with exponent b of 1.9055 for combined sexes showed a negative allometric growth(b<3),indicating that the oysters in Mengkabong Bay are skinny.Several management measures have been proposed to promote high meat growth,including the use of genetically selected seeds,selection of new farming sites and adoption of grow-out methods that favour high meat growth.Asymptotic length(L∞)and growth coefficient(K)of the von Bertalanffy Growth Formula(VBGF)for M.bilineata were estimated at 12.13 cm and 1.00 yr1,respectively.The theoretical ages at length zero(t0)(0.0487)were estimated by substituting L∞and K in Pauly’s equation.The sizes attained by M.bilineata were 3.76,5.04,6.13,7.05,7.83,and 8.49 cm at the end of 2,4,6,8,10,and 12 months,respectively.The calculated growth performance index(φ)for M.bilineata in Mengkabong Bay was 2.168,while the estimated lifespan was 3 years.The recruitment pattern was observed year-round,with higher recruitment activities in September-October 2019 and January 2020.The total mortality(Z)was analyzed using the length-converted catch curve and estimated at 3.04
Joanna W.DoinsingJulian Ransangan
Sustainable food waste management using modified fuzzy improved analytic hierarchy process:a study of Malaysia
Food waste generation is a pressing issue that requires urgent attention and concerted efforts worldwide.The staggering amount of food wasted each year not only wastes valuable resources but also exacerbates environmental,economic,and social challenges.Food Waste Management(FWM)consists of a complex array of criteria and sub-criteria,and treatments which seems interdependent.There is a need to evaluate the FWM with the help of important criteria and sub-criteria and treatments to address this challenge.In this study,we identified four important criteria,21 sub-criteria,and four alternatives of FWM for the case of Malaysia using the integrated approach of literature review and expert opinions.Further,we employed the approach of Modified Fuzzy Improved Analytical Hierarchy Process(IAHP)to corroborate the interrelationships among the identified criteria and sub-criteria,and their associated treatments.This study undertakes linear normalization methods to transform data into comparable numerical values and the Geometric Mean method to handle uncertainty in human judgments.Moreover,the Centroid method is employed to convert fuzzy weights into crisp sets for ease of interpretation.The results indicate that environmental is the most essential criterion,followed by social,economic,and technical.In addition,air and water pollution is identified as the most critical sub-criteria.Black Soldier Fly is discovered as the most sustainable FWM treatment,since it performs the best while meeting all the criteria and sub-criteria assessed.Sensitivity analysis demonstrates that the outputs from the proposed method are robust and reliable.The finding suggests a proper and robust approach to help decision-makers select suitable FWM treatments to tackle various criteria and alternatives especially when handling inconsistent and uncertain judgments during evaluation.
Chun Yuan ChooSyariza Abdul-RahmanAbdul Malek YaakobEmy E.A-Jalil
Informing policy makers in developing countries:Practices and limitations of geriatric home medication review in Malaysia-A qualitative inquiry
Objective:To explore existing practices and challenges in the delivery of geriatric home medication review(HMR).The study was part of a larger study aimed to offer solution to expand the range of geriatric HMR.Methods:This study employed qualitative exploratory design through semi-structured individual in-depth interviews with the public pharmacists involved in the delivery of geriatric HMR at public hospitals.The purpose of the interviews was to explore challenges faced by them in the delivery of geriatric HMR.Results:Based on the emerging themes from the qualitative data,the study reveals that geriatric HMR in Malaysia is integrated as part of multidisciplinary home care visits,encompassing a diverse patient population with various healthcare needs.However,it faces challenges such as the lack of outcome monitoring,formal training,and workforce constraints.Despite these hurdles,there is a pressing need for the expansion of this service to better serve the community,and collaboration with community pharmacists holds potential to broaden its scope.Ultimately,the findings suggest that pharmacist-led HMR is both warranted and feasible within the Malaysian healthcare context.In order to optimize medicine-use among older people living in the community,approaches for expanding geriatric HMR services in Malaysia must be developed.Conclusions:This study holds profound implications as it attempts to illuminate policy makers in developing countries,enabling them to formulate effective HMR plans.By considering the challenges highlighted within this research,policy makers can design a comprehensive HMR service that caters adeptly to the healthcare needs of the mass population.
Ahlam SundusRenukha SellappansTan Maw Pin


研究主题:车辆 悬架 车速传感器 车辆悬架 横摆角速度