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Hepatic Morphometric Correlation with Biophysical Profiling of Height
Introduction: Clinical assessment of hepatic span is usually subjective. And is based on the experience of the clinician. This is what has led to this study in using Biophysical profiling of Heights, Weights, and Body mass index to find the normal hepatic span of every individual. This study was conducted at HMG Hospital Limited, Abonnema in Rivers State in affiliation with the University of Port Harcourt. Methodology: The biophysical sampling method was instituted to select respondents. At the same time, a radiological formula was used to calculate the sample size, and subjects’ weight, height and hepatic span where measured while the BMI was calculated and the data was analyzed using python programming language for data science. Results: The data obtained were subjected to descriptive statistics and the Pearson correlation coefficient. P value greater than or equal to 0.05 was taken as statistically significant. The respondents were mainly aged 30 to 63 years. Conclusion: The null hypothesis was rejected;hence this research has stated the law known as Belema’s Law of hepatic-height correlation, which states that the hepatic span of an individual is directly proportional to the height of that individual except in disease conditions affecting the liver directly or indirectly.
Precious Belema Ibiabuo
采用地面激光雷达(Terrestrial Laser Scanning,TLS)扫描10块人工红松林所得到的数据,与实地调查数据相结合,构建红松树高曲线模型、枝下高预估模型与接触高预估模型,并建立联立方程组。首先,从所选择的5种树高曲线模型中,选择出拟合效果较好的2个模型作为联立方程组的备选模型。然后再从5个枝下高基础模型中选出1个拟合效果好,并且适用程度高的模型作为基础模型,运用再参数化和最优子集回归的方法将林分因子(林分平均胸径、林分断面积、高径比、优势木平均胸径和优势木平均高)代入基础模型,选择拟合效果较好的模型作为枝下高备选模型。相同的方法选择拟合效果好的接触高备选模型。最后将树高曲线模型、枝下高备选模型与接触高备选模型分别两两联立,建立联立方程组。通过似不相关回归(Seemingly Unrelated Regression Estimation,SVR或SURE),根据拟合优度与检验结果选择最优秀的方程组,并对联立方程组进行评价。最终得到结果最优联立方程组预估树高时,决定系数R^(2)=0.896,均方根误差RMSE=0.612 m;当方程组预估枝下高时,R^(2)=0.575,RMSE=0.850 m;当方程预估接触高时,R^(2)=0.719,RMSE=0.791 m,而且各种检验指标都较好。综合来看,方程组对树高、枝下高与接触高拟合精度与检验效果较好,可以解决树高、枝下高与接触高的内在相关性问题,为进一步研究红松树冠结构与动态变化提供基础。
BnaC03.BIN2 regulates plant height by affecting the main inflorescence length and first effective branch height in Brassica napus L.
Rapeseed(Brassica napus L.)is one of the main oil crops in the world,and increasing its yield is of great significance for ensuring the safety of edible oil.Presently,improving rapeseed plant architecture is an effective way to increase rapeseed yield with higher planting density.However,the regulatory mechanism of rapeseed plant architecture is poorly understood.In this study,a dwarf rapeseed mutant dwarf08(df08)is obtained by ethyl methane sulfonate(EMS)-mutagenesis.The decrease in plant height of df08 is mainly caused by the reduction in main inflorescence length and first effective branch height and controlled by a single semi-dominant gene.The hybrid plants(F1)show a semi-dwarf phenotype.Through map-based cloning and transgenic assay,we confirm that the nonsynonymous single nucleotide variant(SNV)(C to T)in BnaC03.BIN2,which is homologous with Arabidopsis(Arabidopsis thaliana)BIN2,is responsible for the dwarfism of df08.BnaC03.BIN2 interacts with BnaBZR1/BES1 and involves in brassinosteroids(BRs)signal transduction.Proline to Leucine substitution in 284(P284L)enhances the protein stability of BnaC03.bin2-D,disrupts BRs signal transduction and affects the expression of genes regulating cell division,leading to dwarfism of df08.This study provides a new insight for the mechanism of rapeseed plant height regulation and creates an elite germplasm that can be used for genetic improvement of rapeseed architecture.
Chengke PangJun YuLiang ZhangMin TangHongfang LiuYing CaiFeng ChenJiefu ZhangWei HuaXiaodong WangMing Zheng
Analysis of the inflection points of height-diameter models
The inflection point is an important feature of sigmoidal height-diameter(H-D)models.It is often cited as one of the properties favoring sigmoidal model forms.However,there are very few studies analyzing the inflection points of H-D models.The goals of this study were to theoretically and empirically examine the behaviors of inflection points of six common H-D models with a regional dataset.The six models were the Wykoff(WYK),Schumacher(SCH),Curtis(CUR),HossfeldⅣ(HOS),von Bertalanffy-Richards(VBR),and Gompertz(GPZ)models.The models were first fitted in their base forms with tree species as random effects and were then expanded to include functional traits and spatial distribution.The distributions of the estimated inflection points were similar between the two-parameter models WYK,SCH,and CUR,but were different between the threeparameter models HOS,VBR,and GPZ.GPZ produced some of the largest inflection points.HOS and VBR produced concave H-D curves without inflection points for 12.7%and 39.7%of the tree species.Evergreen species or decreasing shade tolerance resulted in larger inflection points.The trends in the estimated inflection points of HOS and VBR were entirely opposite across the landscape.Furthermore,HOS could produce concave H-D curves for portions of the landscape.Based on the studied behaviors,the choice between two-parameter models may not matter.We recommend comparing seve ral three-parameter model forms for consistency in estimated inflection points before deciding on one.Believing sigmoidal models to have inflection points does not necessarily mean that they will produce fitted curves with one.Our study highlights the need to integrate analysis of inflection points into modeling H-D relationships.
Tzeng Yih LamMark J.Ducey
介绍了水利工程高程测量的方法及GPS高程转换原理,并针对高海拔、大高差、通行条件差的地区水利工程水准测量成果难以复测及验证的问题,提出了采用GPS大地高进行转换获得水准点的正常高及高差用于验证水准测量成果可靠性的方法。工程应用结果表明,该水准测量成果可靠,不存在粗差,同时也说明了EGM2008在新疆西部高山区达不到其标称的全球精度,也达不到在我国内地地区的总体精度20 cm,但可以用联测已知高程点的方法消除系统差后用于水准粗差探测及精度要求不高的高程传递。
以580份遗传多样性丰富的玉米自交系为关联群体,利用分布于全基因组的31826个单核苷酸多态性(Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms,SNPs)分别对株高和穗位高性状3年表型值及BLUE(Best Linear Unbiased Esti⁃mate)值进行全基因组关联分析。结果表明,4个环境下共检测到58个显著性SNPs,共定位的SNPs有6个,其中3个与株高显著关联,4个与穗位高显著关联。在共定位显著标记440 kb范围内,共检测到76个关联基因,其中66个有基因描述,53个基因在GO(Gene Ontology)富集分析中得到分类,可归类到20类生物过程、10类分子功能以及8类细胞组成。综合基因功能注释和GO富集分析结果,预测了7个可能与株高和穗位高性状有关的候选基因。
Study of the Effects of Glucocorticoid on Growth and Adult Final Height in Children with Primary Nephrotic Syndrome
Objective: To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of growth, as well as factors associated with growth retardation in children with primary nephrotic syndrome (PNS), and to investigate the effect of glucocorticoid (GC) use duration on growth retardation in these children. Methods: Clinical and laboratory data of 353 PNS children treated at our hospital from July 2014 to June 2015 were collected through the medical record management system. Height, weight, and GC usage were recorded. Follow-up assessments were conducted in August 2022 for the original group, recording height, weight, and GC usage. Height and weight were evaluated using standard deviation scores (SDS). Categorical data were analyzed using chi-square test while continuous measurement data were analyzed using t-test or rank-sum test. Linear regression was used to assess the association between two single independent variables, and logistic regression analysis was used to screen for risk factors related to growth retardation in children with PNS. Results: Among the 353 PNS children enrolled in this study, male-to-female ratio of 2.64:1 (256 males vs 97 females). A total of 119 children exhibited growth retardation, incidence rate of 33.71%. The duration of GC usage among those with growth retardation was significantly longer compared to those without it (762.81 ± 934.50 days vs 263.77 ± 420.49 days;p Conclusion: PNS children treated with GC have a high incidence of growth retardation, and a high proportion of short stature in adulthood, especially in children with growth retardation in childhood, most of them have short stature after grown up. Time of GC usage is a risk factor for growth retardation in children with PNS.
Fazhan ZhongMiao ZhangYan Gao
为获取大采高综采“两带”高度,促进煤炭资源安全、高效开采,以斜沟煤矿为工程背景,综合运用经验公式预估、现场试验探测和数值仿真计算,对18102工作面8#煤综采时的覆岩“两带”高度演化开展研究。结果表明:拟合得到的经验公式仅考虑了采厚因素影响,用于预测“两带”发育高度存在一定的局限性;现场钻探压水试验和瞬变电磁探测综合探测得到覆岩垮落带高度34.6 m,导水裂隙带高度74.8 m;分析了大采高综采时覆岩破坏高度、围岩应力场变化和位移场变化,“两带”高度数值计算结果与试验探测结果吻合良好。研究结果可为类似条件矿山的顶板管理、露头防(隔)水煤岩柱留设等提供参考。
传统的煤层截割路径规划通过几何控制、规划计算等方式对采煤机滚筒高度进行预测,但存在预测的数据误差较大、无法适应地质条件变化的问题。针对上述问题,提出了一种基于截割顶底板高度预测模型的采煤机自动调高技术。首先,分析了影响截割顶底板高度的因素,指出影响顶底板高度的主要因素包括煤层的起伏变化数据、历史截割数据、刮板输送机的高程数据及人工操作记录,将上述4类数据融合处理,建立以长短期记忆(LSTM)模型和灰色马尔可夫模型为基础的截割顶底板高度预测模型,通过算法模型预测出截割顶底板的高度。然后,以截割顶底板的高度数据为基础,结合采煤机位姿和空间坐标,建立计算滚筒高度的几何模型,同时依据刮板输送机上窜下滑量及是否执行加减刀工艺等因素进行修正,最终将顶底板高度序列转换为滚筒高度序列,即将截割顶底板高度转换为采煤机滚筒的目标高度,由采煤机执行到目标高度,实现滚筒自动调高工业性试验结果表明:(1)在自动调高技术的控制下,顶滚筒和底滚筒的预测高度与实际高度偏差值有90%的数据量均在10 cm以内,滚筒的预测高度和实际高度具有明显的一致性。(2)与传统手动控制方式相比,中部截割一刀煤的人工干预调高次数由49次下降为21次,说明截割顶底板的高度预测模型和计算滚筒高度的几何模型是准确合理的,采煤机滚筒的自动调高技术是可行的。


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研究主题:数值模拟 涡轮 噪声 传声器阵列 风扇
研究主题:碳复合材料 碳 热解碳 C/C复合材料 改性
研究主题:儿童 生命早期 药物相关性 分子 神经母细胞瘤
研究主题:涡轮叶尖 数值模拟 数值仿真 叶尖泄漏涡 肋条