搜索到34篇“ GENOTOXINS“的相关文章
Genotoxins exaggerate the stressed state of aneuploid embryonic stem cells via activation of autophagy
The cellular consequences of aneuploidy are largely dependent on the cell types examined. Aneuploid yeasts and mouse embryonic fibroblasts exhibit cell proliferation defects and can be selectively inhibited by compounds that cause proteotoxic or energy stress. By contrast, most aneuploid pluripotent stem cells proliferate rapidly and reach higher saturation densities. The responses of aneuploid pluripotent stem cells to the stress-inducing compounds remain uncharacterized. Here, we tested the response of aneuploid embryonic stem cells to several compounds that caused proteotoxic, energy and genotoxic stress using previously established mouse embryonic stem cell lines trisomic for chromosome 6, 8, 11, or 15. Not all trisomic embryonic stem cells were selectively inhibited by compounds that cause proteotoxic or energy stress. However, most of these cells exhibited increased sensitivity to genotoxins. They displayed elevated DNA damage response as characterized by increased γH2A.X foci under genotoxic stress. Further investigations indicated that elevated autophagy levels might contribute to the increased cytotoxic effects of genotoxins on trisomic embryonic stem cells. Our study laid the foundation for eliminating aneuploidy that might be an effective approach for controlling cancer progression.
Meili ZhangRong XiaoGuang LiuYue Huang
Electrochemical DNA nano-biosensor for the detection of genotoxins in water samples被引量:3
In the present study, a disposable electrochemical DNA nano-biosensor is proposed for the rapid detection of genotoxic compounds and bio-analysis of water pollution. The DNA nano-biosensor is prepared by immobilizing DNA on Au nanoparticles and a self-assembled monolayer of cysteamine modified Au electrode. The assembly processes of cysteamine, Au nanoparticles and DNA were characterized by cyclic voltammetry (CV). The Au nanoparticles enhanced DNA immobilization resulting in an increased guanine signal. The interaction of the analyte with the immobilized DNA was measured through the variation of the electrochemical signal of guanine by square wave voltammetry (SWV). The biosensor was able to detect the known genotoxic compounds: 2-anthramine, acridine orange and 2- naphthylamine with detection limits of 2, 3 and 50 nmol/L, respectively. The biosensor was also used to test actual water samples to evaluate the contamination level. Additionally, the comparison of results from the classical genotoxiciw bioassay has confirmed the applicability of the method for real samoles.
Hong-Bo XuRan-Feng YeShang-Yue YangRui LiXu Yang
遗传毒物对秀丽隐杆线虫(Caenorhabditis elegans)寿命的影响被引量:1
Reduction of DNA-damaging Effect of Different Genotoxins by Natural Lignin-based Preparations
Lignin component of plant biomass is highly branched non-toxic polymer composed of phenylpropane units, e.g., ...
Bozena Kosikova
SOS/umu遗传毒性测试方法被广泛应用于化合物和复杂混合物遗传毒性的评价,但是目前已报道方法的实验周期长达17 h,给实验操作带来了不便,因此亟需对常规方法进行改进。建立了测试周期可小于8 h(2 h预培养,4.5 h暴露培养)的SOS/umu快速测定方法之后,应用改进后的方法对5种典型遗传毒性物质,4-硝基喹啉1-氧化物(4-NQO)、丝裂霉素C(MMC)、甲磺酸甲酯(MMS)、2-氨基蒽(2-AA)和苯并芘(BaP)进行测定,结果表明,改进后的SOS/umu方法对4-NQO、MMC、MMS、2-AA和BaP的检测限分别为0.013±0.0031、0.031±0.0028、229.18±60.51、2.29±1.22和1.28±0.0698μmol·L-1,优于或者相当于报道方法。采用经典方法和改进后的方法对全国两个地区6个环境水样的遗传毒性进行测定,结果表明,两种方法检测出的6个环境水样的遗传毒性强度无显著性差异。另外,将研究方法应用于北方某市甲乙两个水厂原水、出厂水和管网水的遗传毒性评价,结果表明,两个水厂的原水、出厂水和管网水均表现出一定的直接遗传毒性,对应的4-NQO当量浓度(TEQ4-NQO)在0.0012μg·L-1至0.0129μg·L-1之间;加入鼠肝微粒体酶系统(S9)后,仅有乙水厂的管网水检测出极其微弱的遗传毒性效应。以上研究结果表明,改进后的SOS/umu快速测定方法能够实现在短时间(8h)内完成环境化合物及环境样品的遗传毒性检测,为筛选和评价化合物和复杂环境样品的遗传毒性提供了更为快捷的手段。
An E. coli SOS-EGFP biosensor for fast and sensitive detection of DNA damaging agents被引量:1
An E. coli SOS-EGFP biosensor which expresses enhanced green fluorescent protein as a reporter protein under the control of recA gene promoter in SOS response was constructed for detection of DNA damage and evaluation of DNA damaging chemicals. The chemicals that may cause substantial DNA damage will trigger SOS response in the constructed bacterial biosensor, and then the reporter egfp gene under the control of recA promoter is stimulated to express as a fluorescent protein, allowing fast and sensitive fluorescence detection. Interestingly, this biosensor can be simultaneously applied for evaluation of genotoxicity and cytotoxicity. The SOS-EGFP bacterial biosensor provides a sensitive, specific and simple method for detecting known and potential DNA damaging chemicals.
Zhilan ChenMeiling LuDandan ZouHailin Wang
Determination of genotoxic alkyl methane sulfonates and alkyl paratoluene sulfonates in lamivudine using hyphenated techniques被引量:9
Two highly sensitive methods for the determination of genotoxic alkyl methane sulfonates (AMSs) and alkyl paratoluene sulfonates (APTSs) in lamivudine using hyphenated techniques have been presented. AMSs were determined by GC-MS method using GSBPINOWAX (30 m 0.25 mm 0.25 mm) column. Temperature program was set by maintaining at 100 1C initially for 3 min, then rised to 220 1C at the rate of 15 1C/min and maintained at 220 1C for 16 min. N,N-dimethyl formamide was used as diluent. APTSs were determined by LC-MS using Zorbax, Rx C8, 250 mm 4.6 mm, 5 mm column as stationary phase. 0.01 M ammonium acetate is used as buffer. The mixture of buffer and methanol in 75:25 (v/v) ratio was used as mobile phase A and mixture of buffer and methanol in 5:95 (v/v) ratio was used as mobile phase B. The gradient program (T/%B) was set as 0/28, 16/50, 17/100, 23/100, 27/28 and 40/28. Both the methods were validated as per International Conference on Harmonization guidelines. Limit of quantitation was found 1.5 mg/mL for AMSs and was in the range of 1.0-1.5 mg/mL for APTSs.
N.V.V.S.S.RamanA.V.S.S.PrasadK.Ratnakar ReddyK.Ramakrishna
Programmable Genotoxins Targeted Against Prostate.
The purpose of our research is to develop better chemotherapeutic drugs for the treatment of prostate cancers....
Essigmann, J. M.
Programmable Genotoxins Targeted Against Prostate Cancers.
The purpose of our research is to develop better chemotherapeutic drugs for the treatment of prostate cancers....
Essigmann, J.