新质生产力的提出立足于当前着力推动经济高质量发展和实现中国式现代化的紧迫性提出的时代命题。“新质生产力的核心是创新,载体是产业”,建设以战略新兴产业、未来产业能够为新质生产力提供有力支撑。图书馆长期服务于产业升级、科技创新、人才培养和文化交流,具有服务战略新兴产业、未来产业的有利条件。图书馆应深入分析新质生产力产业的特点和信息需求,加快新型信息服务体系建设、服务基础平台建设、开展产业深层次服务,担负起助力发展新质生产力的时代使命。The proposal of new quality productivity is based on the proposition of the times put forward by the urgency of promoting high-quality economic development and realizing Chinese modernization. “The core of new quality productivity is innovation, and the carrier is industry”, and the construction of strategic emerging industries and future industries can provide strong support for new quality productivity. Libraries have long served in industrial upgrading, scientific and technological innovation, personnel training, and cultural exchange, and they have favorable conditions for serving strategic emerging industries and future industries. The library should deeply analyze the characteristics and information needs of the new quality productivity industry, speed up the construction of new information service system, service basic platform, and carry out in-depth service of the industry, and shoulder the mission of the times to help develop the new quality productivity.