The optimum models of harvesting yield and net profits of large diameter trees for broadleaved forest were developed, of which include matrix growth sub-model, harvesting cost and wood price sub-models, based on the data from Hongshi Forestry Bureau, in Changbai Mountain region, Jilin Province, China. The data were measured in 232 permanent sample plots. With the data of permanent sample plots, the parameters of transition probability and ingrowth models were estimated, and some models were compared and partly modified. During the simulation of stand structure, four factors such as largest diameter residual tree (LDT), the ratio of the number of trees in a given diameter class to those in the next larger diameter class (q), residual basal area (RBA) and selective cutting cycle (C) were considered. The simulation results showed that the optimum stand structure parameters for large diameter trees are as follows: q is 1.2, LDT is 46cm, RBA is larger than 26 m^2 and selective cutting cycle time (C) is between 10 and 20 years.