A recombinant inbred population (RI) was constructed from a cross between B5, an introgression. line from the wild rice Oryza officinalis Wall. ex Watt, and susceptible cultivar Minghui 63 ( O. sativa L.). The brown planthopper ( BPH) resistances of RI lines were evaluated. Based on bulked segregant analysis (BSA), two protein bulks were made by extracting proteins from equally mixed seedlings of extremely resistant and susceptible plants selected from the RI population, respectively. Two-dimensional electrophoresis was used to detect the changes of polypeptide pattern. Results showed that a protein P40 ( pI 6.3, Mw 40 kD) was significantly reduced or vanished after BPH infestation for 48 h in the susceptible bulk, while it remained uninfluenced in the resistant bulk. In connection with the physiological changes of the resistant and susceptible lines subjected to BPH sucking, we suppose that the protein P40 is related to the interaction responses of lice plants to BPH infestation.