We report a wavelength tunable electro-absorption modulated DBR laser based on a combined method of SAG and QWI. The threshold current is 37mA and the output power at 100mA gain current is 3.5mW. When coupled to a single-mode fiber with a coupling efficiency of 15% ,more than a 20dB extinction ratio is observed over the change of EAM bias from 0 to -2V. The 4.4nm continuous wavelength tuning range covers 6 channels on a 100GHz grid for WDM telecommunications.
采用超低压(22×102Pa)选择区域生长(selective area growth,SAG)金属有机化学气相沉积(metal_organic chemical vapor deposition,MOCVD)技术成功制备了InGaAsP/InGaAsP级联电吸收调制器(electro absorption modulator,EAM)与分布反馈激光器(distributed feed backlaser,DFB)单片集成光源的新型光电器件.实验结果表明,采用该技术制备的器件具有良好的性能:激射阈值为19mA,出光功率为4·5mW,在5V的驱动电压下达到了20dB的消光比,器件3dB响应带宽达到了10GHz以上.应用这种新型器件,利用级联EAM的光开关效应,获得了重复率为10GHz、半高宽(full_width_at_half_maximum,FWHM)为13·7ps的超短光脉冲.
The two-section tunable ridge waveguide distribu ted Bragg reflector (DBR) laser fabricated by the selective intermixing of an InGaAsP-InGaAsP quantum well structure is presented.The threshold current of the laser is 51mA.The tunable range of the laser is 4.6nm,and the side mode suppress ion ratio (SMSR) is 40dB.