以浙江省安吉县毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)林生态系统为研究对象,利用涡度相关技术进行观测,获取2011年毛竹林的水汽通量数据,同时结合常规气象观测数据,分析了水汽通量全年变化。结果表明:毛竹林全年水汽通量基本为正值,月尺度上,水汽通量呈单峰型变化趋势,且各月的最大值均在12:00—14:00出现,呈现一定规律性,7月(0.1116 g m-2s-1)最高,12月(0.0209 g m-2s-1)最低;季节尺度上,夏季最高(0.0873 g m-2s-1),呈现典型单峰型变化趋势,春秋季(均为0.0541 g m-2s-1)次之,变化特征与夏季相似,冬季最低(0.0221 g m-2s-1),曲线变化复杂,波动较大。毛竹林全年蒸散量占全年降水量48.26%。2、4、5、11、12月蒸散量略大于降水量,其余月份蒸散量均小于降水量,6月份降水量与蒸散量差别最大。季节尺度上,对毛竹林水汽通量与净辐射进行回归关系分析,夏季最大,R2为0.6111,秋季为0.5295,春季为0.2605,冬季最小0.0455。通过F检验,水汽通量与净辐射有极显著线性关系。在植物生长期,毛竹林水汽通量随饱和水汽压差的增大而增大,植物发育成熟后,当饱和水汽压差增大到一定程度时,其增大反而抑制了水分的蒸散。
2010年12月至2011年11月,利用涡度相关技术研究了我国亚热带(浙江)毛竹林生态系统的CO2通量,分析了毛竹林净生态系统交换量(NEE)、生态系统呼吸量(RE)和生态系统总交换量(GEE)的变化.结果表明:研究期间,毛竹林各月的NEE均为负值,7月最大,为-99.33 g C·m-2,11月最小,仅-23.49 g C·m-2,其变化曲线呈双峰型.各月CO2通量平均日变化差异明显,9月最大,为-0.60 g CO2·m-2·s-1,1月最小,为-0.30 g CO2·m-2·s-1,且在NEE正负转换的时间点上呈明显的季节变化特征;全年RE呈单峰型变化,夏季最高、冬季最低,夜间RE与土壤温度呈极显著正相关.全年NEE、RE和GEE分别为-668.40、932.55和-1600.95 g C·m-2·a-1,NEE占GEE的41.8%.与其他生态系统相比,毛竹林的固碳能力极强.
[Objective] This study aimed to reveal the impact of radiative forcing on the woody plants in subtropical regions of China through the study on the effect of radiative forcing on growth and photosynthetic responses of Elaecarpus glabripetalus Merr. seedlings. [Method] Three gradients of radiative forcing treatments were applied to the species namely, control group (100% natural light), weak radiative forcing group (39% natural light) and strong radiative forcing group (16% natural light). The relative contents of chlorophyll, photosynthetic parameters of E. glabripetalus in different periods were measured to analyze the effects of different gradients of radiative forcing on plant height, ground diameter, chlorophyll content, gas exchange parameters, light response cure parameters. [Result] The increased ground diameter of E. glabripetalus in different treatments was the control weak radiative forcing group strong radiative forcing group; the increased plant height in the early period was strong radiative forcing group weak radiative forcing group control, but there was no significant difference during the late period; the relative content of chlorophyll was strong radiative forcing group weak radiative forcing group control. The light compensation point (LCP), light saturation point (LSP) and the maximum net photosynthetic rate (A max ) were reduced in radiative forcing treatments. The stomatal conductance (G s ), transpiration rate (Tr) of E. glabripetalus in strong radiative forcing group were significantly smaller than that in the control group, while there was no significant change in dark respiration rate (R d ) and apparent quantum yield (AQY). [Conclusion] In summary, the radiative forcing can change the environmental factors which have significant effect on the ground diameter, plant height, relative content of chlorophyll and photosynthetic physiological parameters, but with the processing of treatment the effects on ground diameter and plant height increase are no