Abts ract A wireless mutl i-hop videot ransmission experiment system is designed and implemented for vehiculra ad-hoc networks VANET and the rt ansm ission control protocol and routing protocol are proposed. This system in tegrates the embedded Linux system witha n ARM kernel and oc ns ists of a S3C6410 main control module a wirel ss local arean etwork WLAN card a LCD screne and so on.In the scenario of a wireless multi-hop video transmission both the H.264 and JPEG are used and their performances such as the compression rate delay and frame loss rate are analyzed in theory andc ompared in the experiment.The system is tested in the real indoor and outdoor environment.The results show that the scheme of the multi-hop video transmission experiment system can be applicable for VANET and multiple scenes and the transmission control protocol and routing protocol proposed can achieve real-time transmission and meet multi-hop requirements.