[Objective]This study aimed to explore the inheritance pattem of feather color in hybrid offspring of Texan pigeon and American Silver King pigeon, so as to provide a theoretical basis for the breeding of feather color auto-sexing strains. [Method]The segregation situation of feather color in the male and female offspring of Texan pigeon (♂)×American Silver King pigeon (♀)(TKYW) and American Silver King pigeon (♂) ×Texan pigeon (♀) (YWTK) was analyzed. [Result]The feather color of TKYW offspring was all slate gray. Among the offspring of YWTK, the feather color of the males was all slate gray, while the feather color of the females was all silver gray; and the ratio between different colors was 1:1 (P 〉 0.05). The F1 generation of YWTK was subjected to selfing, and the feather color of the male and female F2 generation was analyzed. It was found that the ratio of silver gray (male) to slate gray (male) to silver gray (female) to slate gray (female) was 1:1:1:1 (P 〉 0.05). On the basis of the above results, it could be preliminarily predicated that the feather color control genes of Texan pigeon are Z^BZB and Z^BW and those of American Silver King pigeon are Z^bZ^b and Z^bW. There is a cumulative effect on B which is dominant for b. [Conclusion] This study will better solve the problem of male and female identification of pigeon in the early period.
为探讨中国鸽品种资源的遗传多态性与系统进化关系,利用PCR测序和生物信息学分析技术,测定分析了中国境内现存的8个主要鸽品种资源共120份样本mtDNA D-loop区部分序列。结果显示:在所获761 bp mtDNA D-loop区序列间发现3个变异位点,约占分析位点总数的0.39%,共具4个单倍型。8个群体内单倍型多样度介于0.314~0.756之间,单倍型变异度总体为0.683,核苷酸多样度为0.00095。因此,8个鸽品种群体表现出较为贫瘠的遗传多态性,体现出一定的遗传分化,但区分度不高,遗传选种选育工作有待加强;白羽王鸽与欧洲肉鸽、卡奴鸽与欧洲肉鸽间呈现出较大的遗传距离,在配套系培育及杂交优势利用方面具备较大遗传选育空间与潜力。