Objective To explore the effective therapy for deficiency syndrome in the maintenance hemodialysis patients of end-stage renal disease. Methods Ninety-seven maintenance hemodialysis patients of end-stage renal disease were divided into an observation group (51 cases) and a control group (46 cases) randomly, and routine western medicines were used in both groups. On this base, moxibustion was given at Zusanli (足三里 ST 36) and Sanyijiao (三阴交 SP 6) with a paper-tube-moxibustion equipment in the observation group. The therapeutic effects on syndromes were evaluated by comparing the symptom scores in two groups before and after treatment. Results After treatment, all the symptom scores in the observation group were improved significantly (all P〈0.05), with fatigue and weakness, short breath and aversion to talking, poor appetite, lassitude in loin and knees, aversion to cold, cool extremities and so on most obviously improved, and the total effective rate on the syndrome in observation group (64.7%, 33/51) was significantly higher than that in control group (23.9%, 11/46), with a significant difference between the two groups (P〈0.05). Conclusion Moxibustion can improve the clinical symptoms of maintenance hemodialysis patients of end-stage renal disease, and it has some therapeutic effect on the deficiency syndrome.
目的:探讨调理脾胃灸法对终末期肾脏病维持性血液透析患者生存质量的影响。方法:将来源于3个透析中心的109例尿毒症维持性血液透析患者随机分为观察组(58例)和对照组(51例)。两组均采用西医规律血液透析加常规药物治疗,观察组在此基础上,采用纸管贴穴灸疗器于足三里、三阴交两穴施灸,每周治疗2~3次,4周为一疗程,治疗3个疗程,随访3个月。应用肾脏疾病生存质量专用量表(kidney disease quality of life short form,KDQOL-SFTM1.3)在治疗前、治疗后、随访结束后分别对两组进行问卷调查评价其生存质量。结果:治疗后,观察组患者在躯体功能(83.62±13.27vs 79.32±22.17)、一般健康(58.88±20.24vs 48.82±20.89)、活力(77.07±15.56vs 70.59±22.61)3个领域的生存质量评分高于对照组(均P<0.05);同组治疗前后比较,观察组在躯体功能、一般健康、活力、症状与不适4个领域的生存质量评分提高(均P<0.05)。随访结束后,观察组患者在躯体功能、一般健康、情感健康、社交功能、活力、肾脏病对日常生活的影响、认知功能等7个领域的生存质量评分高于对照组(均P<0.05);随访结束后与治疗前比较,观察组在活力、症状与不适、认知功能3个领域的生存质量评分提高(均P<0.05)。对照组在治疗前后及随访后全部19个领域的生存质量评分差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。结论:调理脾胃灸法可在躯体功能、一般健康、活力3个领域改善透析患者生存质量,随之对患者的心理产生有益的影响,进而改善情感健康、社交功能、肾脏病对日常生活的影响、认知功能等领域的生存质量。