The virtual reality based motion simulation of the guide wire and the catheter inside specific vascular structures can benefit a lot for the endovascular intervention. A fast and well-performed collision cancellation algorithm is proposed based on the geometric analysis and the angular propagation (AP), and a 3-D real-time interactive system is developed for the motion simulation of the guide wire and the catheter inside the specific patient vascular. The guide wire or the catheter is modeled as the "multi-body" representation and properties are defined by its intrinsic characteristics. The motion of the guide wire or the catheter inside the vascular is guided by the collision detection and the collision cancellation algorithm. Finally, a relaxation procedure is used to achieve more realistic status. Experimental results show that the behavior of the guide wire or the catheter depends on the defined parameters. The real-time simulation can be achieved. The result shows that the simulation system is effective and promising.
To improve spectral X-ray CT reconstructed image quality, the energy-weighted reconstructed image xbins^W and the separable paraboloidal surrogates(SPS) algorithm are proposed for the prior image constrained compressed sensing(PICCS)-based spectral X-ray CT image reconstruction. The PICCS-based image reconstruction takes advantage of the compressed sensing theory, a prior image and an optimization algorithm to improve the image quality of CT reconstructions.To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, three optimization algorithms and three prior images are employed and compared in terms of reconstruction accuracy and noise characteristics of the reconstructed images in each energy bin.The experimental simulation results show that the image xbins^W is the best as the prior image in general with respect to the three optimization algorithms; and the SPS algorithm offers the best performance for the simulated phantom with respect to the three prior images. Compared with filtered back-projection(FBP), the PICCS via the SPS algorithm and xbins^W as the prior image can offer the noise reduction in the reconstructed images up to 80. 46%, 82. 51%, 88. 08% in each energy bin,respectively. M eanwhile, the root-mean-squared error in each energy bin is decreased by 15. 02%, 18. 15%, 34. 11% and the correlation coefficient is increased by 9. 98%, 11. 38%,15. 94%, respectively.
In order to derive the linac photon spectrum accurately both the prior constrained model and the genetic algorithm GA are employed using the measured percentage depth dose PDD data and the Monte Carlo simulated monoenergetic PDDs where two steps are involved.First the spectrum is modeled as a prior analytical function with two parameters αand Ep optimized with the GA.Secondly the linac photon spectrum is modeled as a discretization constrained model optimized with the GA. The solved analytical function in the first step is used to generate initial solutions for the GA’s first run in this step.The method is applied to the Varian iX linear accelerator to derive the energy spectra of its 6 and 15 MV photon beams.The experimental results show that both the reconstructed spectrums and the derived PDDs with the proposed method are in good agreement with those calculated using the Monte Carlo simulation.