多囊卵巢综合征是临床导致育龄期女性不孕最常见的一种生殖内分泌疾病,其发病机制尚不清楚。流行病学调查显示,本病患病率逐年上升,患病群体趋于年轻化,严重影响女性身心健康。白藜芦醇作为一种天然类雌激素,具有降糖降脂、抗炎抗氧化、抗肿瘤、心脏保护等多方面药理作用。最近研究发现,白藜芦醇可能通过多途径多靶点影响糖脂代谢及激素调节,这为临床治疗PCOS提供了新思路。笔者结合近几年国内外研究,探讨白藜芦醇对多囊卵巢综合征的调节作用,分析其作用机制,为白藜芦醇在多囊卵巢综合征治疗方面提供进一步的理论基础和研究依据。Polycystic ovary syndrome is the most common reproductive endocrine disease causing infertility in women of childbearing age, and its pathogenesis is still unclear. Epidemiological surveys show that the prevalence of this disease is increasing year by year, and the group of patients tends to be younger, which seriously affects women’s physical and mental health. As a natural estrogen, resveratrol has various pharmacological effects such as hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, anti-tumor and cardioprotective effects. Recent studies have found that resveratrol may affect glucose-lipid metabolism and hormone regulation through multiple pathways and targets, which provides new ideas for the clinical treatment of PCOS. The author combines domestic and international studies in recent years to explore the regulatory effects of resveratrol on polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and analyze its mechanism of action, so as to provide further theoretical foundation and research basis for resveratrol in the treatment of PCOS.
盆腔炎性疾病(PID)是育龄期女性的常见病和多发病,其发病率逐年呈上升趋势。临床上西药治疗有一定的局限性,对没有确定病原体的PID治疗效果不尽如人意,且长期使用抗生素会产生耐药菌,并使双重感染的风险大幅增加。然而,抑制疾病进展和缓解PID长期后遗症的新药需求尚未得到满足,中医药治疗因其副作用少,且治疗慢性病疗效明显而受到广泛关注。近年来,中医药在PID的治疗方面取得了明显进展,而中药单体是中草药中的活性成分,是新药开发的重要来源,为综述中药单体治疗PID的作用机制,本文总结了白芍总苷、金刚藤多糖、白藜芦醇、丹皮酚、连翘提取物、白头翁皂苷B4、菝葜总黄酮、芹菜素、菊苣酸、淫羊藿苷、柴胡皂苷A等在PID治疗过程中的关键环节,以期为临床PID的防治及新药研发提供参考依据和研究方向。Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a common and frequent disease in women of reproductive age, and its incidence is on the rise year by year. Clinical treatment with western drugs has limitations and is unsatisfactory for the treatment of PID without identified pathogens, and the long-term use of antibiotics produces drug-resistant organisms and dramatically increases the risk of double infections. However, there is an unmet need for new drugs to inhibit disease progression and alleviate the long-term sequelae of PID, and TCM treatment has received widespread attention because of its few side effects and its efficacy in treating chronic diseases. In recent years, TCM has made significant progress in the treatment of PID, and TCM monomers, the active ingredients in TCM, are an important source of new drug development. To review the mechanism of action of TCM monomers in the treatment of PID, this paper summarizes the role of Total glucosides of paeonyia, Smilax china L. polysaccharides, resveratrol, paeonol, forsythia suspensa extract, anemoside B4, total flavones of Smilax china L.
目的:研究欣胃颗粒及其拆方对胃癌前病变大鼠Wnt-1及β-catenin的影响。方法:实验分成空白组、模型对照组、胃复春组,益气组、养阴组、化瘀组、解毒组、益气养阴组、益气化瘀组、益气解毒组、养阴化瘀组、养阴解毒组、化瘀解毒组、益气养阴化瘀组、益气养阴解毒组、益气化瘀解毒组、养阴化瘀解毒组、益气养阴化瘀解毒(即欣胃颗粒)组。采用以MNNG为主的四因素联合造模法建立胃癌前病变的大鼠模型,空白对照组、模型对照组给予等量生理盐水灌胃,而其它16组同时给予相应药物灌胃,在16周造模结束后处死大鼠并取材,观察各组大鼠胃粘膜病理改变;采用Real Time PCR技术,检测胃黏膜Wnt信号通路关键因子Wnt-1、β-catenin的基因表达情况。结果:与空白组比较,模型组Wnt-1及β-catenin的基因表达水平明显增高,其差异具有显著性(P<0.05);中药各组与模型组比较,Wnt-1及β-catenin的表达水平下调,具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:四法组的干预作用优于三法、两法、及单法组,表明各法之间具有协同增效作用;欣胃颗粒可改善胃癌前病变大鼠胃黏膜病理状况,下调Wnt-1及β-catenin的基因表达水平。