目的:为探究感恩与大学生创伤后成长的关系以及心理弹性在其中的作用。方法:本研究采用中文版感恩问卷、创伤后成长评定量表及心理弹性量表对351名大学生进行研究。结果:经历创伤事件后,大学生获得中等水平的创伤后成长。感恩、心理弹性及创伤后成长两两分别呈现显著正相关。感恩能直接显著正向预测创伤后成长,也能通过心理弹性的部分中介作用显著正向预测大学生创伤后成长。结论:因此,感恩会直接影响大学生的创伤后成长,也会通过心理弹性间接影响大学生的创伤后成长,这启示心理工作者在个体经历创伤后可以通过提高个体感恩、心理弹性水平促进其创伤后成长。Objective: To explore the relationship between gratitude and post-traumatic growth in college students and the role of psychological resilience. Method: The study used the Chinese version of Gratitude Questionnaire-6, Chinese Post-Traumatic Growth Inventory and the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale to study 351 college students. Result: After experiencing a traumatic event, college students experienced moderate levels of post-traumatic growth. Gratitude, psychological resilience, and post-traumatic growth were each significantly positively correlated. Gratitude significantly and positively predicted post-traumatic growth directly, and it also significantly and positively predicted post-traumatic growth through the partial mediation of psychological resilience. Conclusion: Gratitude, therefore, directly affects post-traumatic growth and indirectly affects post-traumatic growth through psychological resilience, which reveals that psychologists can promote post-traumatic growth by increasing the level of gratitude and psychological resilience of individuals after they have experienced trauma.