In the present study, peel tests and inverse analysis were performed to determine the interracial mechanical parameters for the metal film/ceramic system with an epoxy interface layer between film and ceramic. Al films with a series of thicknesses between 20 and 250 μm and three peel angles of 90°, 135° and 180° were considered. A finite element model with the cohesive zone elements was used to simulate the peeling process. The finite element results were taken as the training data of a neural network in the inverse analysis. The interracial cohesive energy and the separation strength can be determined based on the inverse analysis and peel experimental result
Adhesive contact model between an elastic cylinder and an elastic half space is studied in the present paper, in which an external pulling force is acted on the above cylinder with an arbitrary direction and the contact width is assumed to be asymmetric with respect to the structure. Solutions to the asymmetric model are obtained and the effect of the asymmetric contact width on the whole pulling process is mainly discussed. It is found that the smaller the absolute value of Dundurs' parameter 13 or the larger the pulling angle O, the more reasonable the symmetric model would be to approximate the asymmetric one.
Cong Yan Shaohua Chen LNM, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,100190 Beijing. China
Problems involving coupled multiple space and time scales offer a real challenge for conventional frame-works of either particle or continuum mechanics. In this paper, four cases studies (shear band formation in bulk metallic glasses, spallation resulting from stress wave, interaction between a probe tip and sample, the simulation of nanoindentation with molecular statistical thermodynamics) are provided to illustrate the three levels of trans-scale problems (problems due to various physical mechanisms at macro-level, problems due to micro-structural evolution at macro/micro-level, problems due to the coupling of atoms/ molecules and a finite size body at micro/nano-level) and their formulations. Accordingly, non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, coupled trans-scale equations and simultaneous solutions, and trans-scale algorithms based on atomic/molecular interaction are suggested as the three possible modes of trans-scale mechanics.
Effects of deposition layer position film are systematically investigated. Because the and number/density on local bending of a thin deposition layer interacts with the thin film at the interface and there is an offset between the thin film neutral surface and the interface, the deposition layer generates not only axial stress but also bending moment. The bending moment induces an instant out-of-plane deflection of the thin film, which may or may not cause the socalled local bending. The deposition layer is modeled as a local stressor, whose location and density are demonstrated to be vital to the occurrence of local bending. The thin film rests on a viscous layer, which is governed by the Navier-Stokes equation and behaves like an elastic foundation to exert transverse forces on the thin film. The unknown feature of the axial constraint force makes the governing equation highly nonlinear even for the small deflection chse. The constraint force and film transverse deflection are solved iteratively through the governing equation and the displacement constraint equation of immovable edges. This research shows that in some special cases, the deposition density increase does not necessarily reduce the local bending. By comparing the thin film deflections of different deposition numbers and positions, we also present the guideline of strengthening or suppressing the local bending.