Entanglement charge is an operational measure to quantify nonlocalities in ensembles consisting of bipartite quantum states.Here we generalize this nonlocality measure to single bipartite quantum states.As an example,we analyze the entanglement charges of some thermal states of two-qubit systems and show how they depend on the temperature and the system parameters in an analytical way.
A scheme is proposed for generating a multiparticle three-dimensional entangled state by appropriately adiabatic evolutions, where atoms are respectively trapped in separated cavities so that individual addressing is needless. In the ideal case, losses due to the spontaneous transition of an atom and the excitation of photons are efficiently suppressed since atoms are all in ground states and the fields remain in a vacuum state. Compared with the previous proposals, the present scheme reduces its required operation time via simultaneously controlling four classical fields. This advantage would become even more obvious as the number of atoms increases. The experimental feasibility is also discussed. The successful preparation of a high-dimensional multiparticle entangled state among distant atoms provides better prospects for quantum communication and distributed quantum computation.
Shannon's noisy channel coding theorem is a cornerstone in the history of classical information theory. A proof of Shannon's noisy channel coding theorem using quantum notations is presented, which sets up a bridge between classical information theory and the developing quantum information theory.
We propose a scheme for realizing an unconventional three-qubit controlled-phase gate via the Rydberg blockade mechanism.The qubit is encoded by atomic ensembles that are trapped in optical traps and fixed on an atom chip.Because of the collective nature of the encoding and the Rydberg blockade mechanism,the scheme do not require separate addressing of individual atoms.The time needed for the gate operation is much shorter than that in a similar scheme.In addition,we show the gate can be used as a basic tool for effective generation of large-scale 2D cluster states.
Schemes are presented for realizing quantum controlled phase gate and preparing an N-qubit W-like state, which are based on the large-detuned interaction among three-state atoms, dual-mode cavity and a classical pulse. In particular, a class of W states that can be used for perfect teleportation and superdense coding is generated by only one step. Compared with the previous schemes, cavity decay is largely suppressed because the cavity is only virtually excited and always in the vacuum state and the atomic spontaneous emission is strongly restrained due to a large atom-field detuning.