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39 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
为研究地震与波浪同时作用下桥梁的动力响应,本文以青岛海湾大桥为研究对象,采用大质量法,使用Midas civil 2012将考虑行波效应的地震波施加于大桥有限元仿真模型上;基于现有的波浪荷载理论,在Matlab中通过编程计算,得到随机波浪荷载和规则波浪荷载,并最终得到同时考虑地震和不同波浪荷载时,桥梁特定位置的位移和内力。研究结果表明,当不考虑波浪作用时,行波效应会在视波速中段区间上增加桥梁单元的内力值;当考虑波浪作用时,波浪荷载对行波效应下桥梁各个位置单元内力值和节点位移值的影响程度不同。因此,桥梁动力响应值应综合考虑行波效应、视波速大小及波浪荷载类型。该研究对桥梁和行车安全具有重要意义。
Cryptophyta Flagellates of Meromictic Lakes Shira and Shunet(Khakassia,Russia):Mechanisms of Vertical Distribution and Trophic Role
1 Introduction Many of the stratified lakes are characterized by the presence of large populations of cryptomonads in their chemocline zones(Reynolds,1992;Gervais et al,2003;Pedro’s-Alio’et al.,1995).These populations are adapted to low light intensity and high sulfide concentration;they have a mixotrophic ability and form the so-called"deep chlorophyll maxima"(Gervais,1998;Marsha"and Laybourn-Parry,2002).A similar Cryptomonas sp.
为研究列车荷载作用下桥梁的动力响应,本文以德龙烟铁路中一孔64m钢桁架桥为研究对象,采用模型实验和软件模拟的方法分别分析研究。根据相似原理进行结构模型设计,测出模型列车以不同速度在模型桥上运行时桥梁指定位置的动态响应,同时采用Midas civil仿真模拟软件,用一种"单点持续激励"的新方法来模拟列车荷载,并将上述两种方法得到的结果进行对比验证。验证结果表明,列车过桥时,桥梁跨中位置处的冲击系数随车速的增加而增大,但在某个车速附近存在异常值,并且车速和冲击系数之间不是严格线性关系。该研究对车桥耦合振动分析有较好的指导意义。
朱梦龙张媛郭翔Uzdin Alexander Moiseevich王海滨管友海
Optimal Filtering Correction forMarine Dynamical Positioning Control System
This paper focuses on the problem of control law optimization for marine vessels working in a dynamical positioning (DP) regime. The approach proposed here is based on the use of a special unified multipurpose control law structure constructed on the basis of nonlinear asymptotic observers, that allows the decoupling of a synthesis into simpler particular optimization problems. The primary reason for the observers is to restore deficient information concerning the unmeasured velocities of the vessel. Using a number of separate items in addition to the observers, it is possible to achieve desirable dynamical features of the closed loop connection. The most important feature is the so-called dynamical corrector, and this paper is therefore devoted to solving its optimal synthesis in marine vessels controlled by DP systems under the action of sea wave disturbances. The problem involves the need for minimal intensity of the control action determined by high frequency sea wave components. A specialized approach for designing the dynamical corrector is proposed and the applicability and effectiveness of the approach are illustrated using a practical example of underwater DP system synthesis.
Evgeny VeremeyMargarita Sotnikova
Web-system for processing and visualization of meteorological data for Siberian environment research被引量:1
At present,mainly GIS software is used for exploration and visualization of spatially distributed data.At the same time an approach based on the combination of advanced web technologies along with the standard rules of information-computational system development is more suitable for performing tasks requiring more sophisticated data analysis.In this report,functional capabilities of the information-computational system created for meteorological and climatic data processing and online visualization are introduced.The system represents a dedicated web-interface,which allows performing of mathematical and statistical operations on the diverse observational and model data and to determine characteristics of global and regional climate changes.Currently such datasets as NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis,ECMWF ERA-40 Reanalysis,etc.are available for processing.In particular,the system allows calculating of temporal average and extremum values,time trends,etc.at arbitrary spatial and temporal ranges for different meteorological parameters.The possibility of online intercomparison of meteorological characteristics calculated for different datasets is also realized in the system.The final version of the system being developed is supposed to find application in meteorological and climatological investigations and should help researchers to save time during performing routine analytical tasks by simplifying handling of huge arrays of spatially distributed meteorological data.
A new insight into the nature of seasonal variations in coordinate time series of GPS sites located near active faults
This study provides new insights into the nature of seasonal variations in coordinate time series of GPS sites located near active faults and methods of their modeling. Monthly averaged coordinate time series were analyzed for several pairs of collocated GPS sites situated near the active fault intersection area, in close proximity to the central part of the northern boundary of the Amurian plate and the vicinity of the San Andreas Fault zone. It is concluded that the observed seasonal variations are best described by a breather function which is one of the solutions of the well-known sine-Gordon equation. The obtained results suggest that, in this case, the source of seasonal variations may be caused by the appearance of solitary strain waves in the fault intersection system, which may be qualitatively treated as standing waves of compression-extension of the geological medium. Based on statistical testing, the limits of applicability of the suggested model have been established.
Self-focusing of UV radiation in 1mmscale plasma in a deep ablative crater produced by 100ns,1 GW KrF laser pulse in the context of ICF
Experiments at the GARPUN KrF laser facility and 2D simulations using the NUTCY code were performed to study the irradiation of metal and polymethyl methacrylate(PMMA)targets by 100 nsUVpulses at intensities up to 5×10^(12)Wcm^(−2).In both targets,a deep crater of length 1mm was produced owing to the 2D geometry of the supersonic propagation of the ablation front in condensed matter that was pushed sideways by a conical shock wave.Small-scale filamentation of the laser beam caused by thermal self-focusing of radiation in the crater-confined plasma was evidenced by the presence of a microcrater relief on the bottom of the main crater.In translucent PMMA,with a penetration depth forUVlight of several hundred micrometers,a long narrow channel of length 1mmand diameter 30μmwas observed emerging from the crater vertex.Similar channels with a length-to-diameter aspect ratio of∼1000 were produced by a repeated-pulse KrF laser in PMMA and fused silica glass at an intensity of∼10^(9)Wcm^(−2).This channel formation is attributed to the effects of radiation self-focusing in the plasma and Kerr self-focusing in a partially transparent target material after shallow-angle reflection by the crater wall.Experimental modeling of the initial stage of inertial confinement fusion-scale direct-drive KrF laser interaction with subcritical coronal plasmas from spherical and cone-type targets using craterconfined plasmas seems to be feasible with increased laser intensity above 10^(14) W cm^(−2).
Recent Russian remote sensing investigations in Antarctica within the framework of scientific traverses
This paper includes a short historical review of Russian and Soviet scientific traverses to study the Antarctic inland. The first traverse left on April 2, 1956. It resulted in the opening of the first Russian inland research station named Pionerskaya and provided the first geophysical and glaciological data on regions inland of the Antarctic coast. By 1965, a number of regional inland scientific traverses had been completed and. the first Atlas of Antarctica was published in 1966. The atlas presented the main achievements of that time. After the discovery of Lake Vostok, Russian scientists commenced remote sensing investigations to study this unique natural phenomenon. The propagation of acoustic and electromagnetic waves in the glacier near Vostok Station were measured to provide important geophysical data. Radio-echo sounding data showed that Lake Vostok is isolated and separated from the rest of the Antarctic subglacial hydrosphere. The total area of the lake is 15 790 km2, excluding 365 km^2 occupied by 11 islands. Reflection seismic soundings of Lake Vostok estimated a total volume of about 6 100 km^3, an average depth of about 400 m, and a maximum depth of 1 200 m. Since 2008, there have been a number of scientific traverses between Mirny and Vostok stations and between Progress and Vostok stations. The data collected during the traverses have provided new insights into sub-ice topography and ice sheet structure, and have led to the discovery of subglacial lakes near Komsomolskaya Station and under Pionerskaya Station.
Sergey V.Popov
2005年9月利用铗日法辅以陷阱法对位于秦岭山脉南坡东段的平河梁自然保护区及牛背梁自然保护区小型兽类进行了调查,共设置采集点10个;2460铗日中共捕获小型兽类689只,隶属于3目6科19属27种(另有两种鼢鼠和一种鼯鼠系其他手段捕获),平均捕获率28.01%。对捕获的27种小型兽类生态和垂直分布进行分析结果表明:平河梁保护区3个群落的Shannon-Weiner多样性指数在2.9288-3.3639之间,Pielou均匀性指数在0.7669-0.8602之间。在上述调查的基础上,结合前人对邻近地区的调查,据一些物种的分布特点,订出平河梁自然保护区小型兽类的名录,计48种,结果显示秦岭南坡东段小型兽类的物种多样性和丰富度要高于秦岭其他地区。另在考察中采集到白尾鼹(Parascaptor leucura)、小纹背鼩鼱(Sorex bedfordiae)、斯氏鼢鼠(Myospalaxsmithii)、川西白腹鼠(Niviventer excelsior),在秦岭山区尚属首次记录。还整理了秦岭南坡小型兽类名录,认为秦岭南坡有小型兽类55种,在动物地理区划上应属于西南区。
秦岭孟祥明Alexei KryukovVladimir KorablevMarina Pavlenko杨兴中王应祥蒋学龙
张泽张泽ROMAN LidiaMELNIKOV Andrey杨希李宏璧