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11 条 记 录,以下是 1-7
Sleeping site use of the white-headed langur Trachypithecus leucocephalus: The role of predation risk, territorial defense, and proximity to feeding sites被引量:3
We collected data on sleeping site use from two groups of white-headed langurs Trachypithecus leucocephalus living in Fusui Nature Reserve, China between August 2007 and July 2008. This information was used to test several hypotheses regarding ultimate causes of sleeping site use in this primate. White-headed langurs slept either in caves (17 sites) or on a cliffledge (one site). They used all sleeping sites repeatedly, and reused some of them on consecutive nights; three nights was the longest consecutive use of any one sleep site. We suggest that langurs use sleeping sites to make approach and attack by predators difficult, and to increase their own familiarity with a location so as to improve chances for escape. Langurs' cryptic behaviors with an increased level of vigilance before entering sleeping sites may also help in decreasing the possibility of detection by predators. Group 1 spent more sleeping nights in the central area of their territory than expected; in contrast, group 2 spent more sleeping nights in the periphery of their territory, which overlaps with that of another groups, than expected. The position of sleeping site relative to the last feeding site of the day and the first feeding site of the subsequent morning indicated a strategy closer to that of a multiple central place forager than of a central place forager. These results suggest that territory defense and food access may play an important role in sleeping site use of white-headed langurs [Current Zoology 57 (3): 260-268, 2011].
Dayong LIQihai ZHOUXiaoping TANGHenglian HUANGChengming HUANG
2008年8月15至10月25日,应用焦点取样法和连续记录法对广西南宁动物园一群笼养熊猴Macaca assamensis的玩耍行为进行分析,从中探讨玩耍行为在熊猴幼体发育过程的功能和意义。研究期间共收集2 290次玩耍行为回合的数据。结果表明,雄性幼体用于社会性玩耍,尤其用于打斗玩耍的时间和频次都明显高于雌性幼体。在社会性玩耍中,雄性幼体更为主动,更偏好选择同年龄的雄性个体作为玩耍伙伴。这些结果支持了运动训练假说。熊猴幼体的玩耍行为随年龄的增长而发生改变,主要表现为明显减少非社会性玩耍(尤其是运动性玩耍)的时间和频次,而相应增加社会性玩耍的时间和频次,且在玩耍过程中表现得更为主动。
Diet of the Assamese macaque Macaca assamensis in lime- stone habitats of Nonggang, China被引量:4
To enhance our understanding of dietary adaptations in macaques we studied the diet of the Assamese macaque Macaca assamensis in limestone seasonal rain forests at Nonggang Nature Reserve, China from September 2005 to August 2006. Our results show that although macaques fed on many plant species, 85.2% of the diet came from only 12 species, of which a bamboo species, Indocalamus calcicolus contributed to 62% of the diet. Young leaves were staple food items (74.1% of the diet) for Assamese macaques at Nonggang, and constituted the bulk of monthly diets almost year-round, ranging from 44.9% (July) to 92.9% (May). Young parts of Indocalamus calcicolus unexpanded leaves contributed to a large proportion of the young leaf diet in most months. Fruit accounted for only 17.4% of the diet, with a peak of consumption in July. We suggest that this highly fo- livorous diet may be related to the long lean season of fruit availability in limestone habitats as well as the utilization of cliffs of low fruit availability
Qihai ZHOUHua WEIZhonghao HUANGChengming HUANG
Ranging behavior of the François’langur(Trachypithecus francoisi)in limestone habitats of Nonggang,China被引量:2
Ranging behavior is an important aspect of animal behavior that researchers use to investigate ecological influences on individual behavior.We collected data on the ranging behavior of one group of François’langurs(Trachypithecus francoisi)between August 2003 and July 2004 in a limestone habitat within Nonggang Nature Reserve,China.We evaluated the influences of food availability,water resources and sleeping sites on ranging behavior.During the study period,the total home range size for the study group was 64.5 or(69.3 ha if the lacunae within the borders in which langurs were not observed were included),and the mean daily path length was 541 m.These are well within the range of variation reported in Trachypithecus species.The monthly range size was between 9.8 and 23.3 ha,and monthly range size correlated negatively with young leaf availability.The langurs tended to use a larger range size during young leaf-lean periods.The langurs did not use their home range uniformly,and 74%of their activities occurred within 35%of their home range.The most heavily used quadrats in the home range were located near the most frequently used sleeping sites,suggesting that sleeping sites have a significant influence on the ranging behavior of François’langurs in limestone habitats.
Qihai ZHOUChengming HUANGMing LIFuwen WEI
2006年9月至2007年8月,在广西弄岗国家级自然保护区选择一群猕猴(Macaca mulatta)作为观察对象,采用瞬时扫描取样法收集相关的行为数据,以日活动节律和活动时间分配为切入点,探讨猕猴对喀斯特石山生境的行为适应策略。结果表明,猕猴的日活动节律表现为上午和下午的觅食高峰,中午进入长时间的休息期。这可能与白天的温度和日照强度的变化有关。猕猴一天中有37.3%的时间觅食,29.6%的时间用于休息,25.2%的时间用于移动,5.5%的时间用于玩耍,2.2%的时间用于理毛,其他行为的花费时间仅占0.2%。它们的活动时间分配表现出季节性变化。与旱季相比,雨季里猕猴明显花费更多的时间用于玩耍。分析表明,猕猴每月用于玩耍的时间分配与果实在食物中所占的比例存在显著正相关。不同性别组的活动时间分配也表现出明显差异,主要表现为成年雄猴花费更多的时间移动,而成年雌猴花费更多的时间理毛。
2008年11月至2009年2月对笼养条件下松鼠猴Saimiri sciureus进行观察,采用焦点动物取样法收集相关行为数据,以探讨影响其活动时间分配差异的因素,为松鼠猴的科学饲养繁殖提供理论基础。结果表明:松鼠猴一天的活动时间分配中,45.74%的时间用于移动、18.77%用于休息、15.93%用于觅食、9.17%用于晒太阳和9.12%用于玩耍。在3个性别年龄组的活动时间分配中,青少年组的移动和玩耍时间明显高于成年雄性和成年雌性;成年雌性的觅食时间高于成年雄性和青少年个体;晒太阳在3个性别年龄组中没有差异。在日活动节律中,上午和下午分别出现2个移动和觅食高峰,中午出现休息高峰的同时出现一次觅食小高峰。
Habitat use and locomotion of the François’langur(Trachypithecus francoisi)in limestone habitats of Nonggang,China被引量:5
We collected data on habitat use and locomotion of the François’langur(Trachypithecus francoisi)between August 2003 and July 2004 at Nonggang Nature Reserve,China.A total of 739 h of behavioral data were collected during this study.We tested 2 predictions:(1)that the langurs may have special patterns of habitat use and locomotion adaptive to the limestone habitat,and(2)the langurs may exhibit different patterns of habitat use and locomotion among different zones of limestone hill.Our results indicated that François’langurs spent more time in the low-risk,relatively food-poor cliff-hilltop areas.When young leaves and fruit were scarce in the dry season,the langurs increased their time in the high-risk,food-rich valley basin.François’langurs were semi-terrestrial,and leaping and climbing were their main locomotor modes.These behavioral patterns are considered to be related to characteristics of topography and vegetation in limestone habitat,such as large areas of cliff and discontinuous canopy.Our results also supported Prediction 2.The langurs confined locomotion to the main canopy and frequently adopted leaping while traveling in the hillside and valley basin.While traveling in cliff-hilltop areas,they tended to stay in the lower stratus(≤5 m)or move on the ground,and walking and climbing were their dominant traveling modes.
Qihai ZHOUBang LUOFuwen WEIChengming HUANG