We systematically investigate the field distribution of the transverse electric modes in X-cut lithium niobate disks as an example of circular microcavities with anisotropic refractive index. A conserved quantity is discovered, which indicates the absence of chaos that generally exists in deformed microcavities and leads to a nontrivial directional emission. The emission directionality was theoretically investigated and experimentally verified by exciting highorder modes of an X-cut lithium niobate microresonator assisted with second harmonics. The field distribution analysis can enrich the knowledge in designing photonic devices that need precise control of field distribution,such as phase matching in nonlinear processes. Furthermore, the discovered emission phenomenon is momentous in enhancing and controlling communications between on-chip photonic devices.
Transporting information is one of the important functions of photons and is also the essential duty of information science. Here, we realize multiple imaging by detecting photons with changeable wavelengths based on time-resolved correlation measurements. In our system, information from multiple objects can be transported. During this process, the wavelength of the photons illuminating the objects is different from the wavelength of the photons detected by the detectors. More importantly, the wavelength of the photons that are utilized to record images can also be changed to match the sensitive range of the used detectors. In our experiment, images of the objects are reconstructed clearly by detecting the photons at wavelengths of 650, 810, and 1064 nm, respectively. These properties should have potential applications in information science.
We studied the mode-conversion process of terahertz pulses from a planar subwavelength waveguide to a tilted rectangular subwavelength waveguide. An unusual wavefront rotation, which led to an extra conversion t ime, was observed using a time-resolved imaging t echnique. We Simula ted the mode conversion process by a finite-difference time-domain method, and the results agreed well with the experiments. According to the simulations, the conversion time was demonstrated to become longer as the tilt angle or width of the rectangular waveguide increased. This work provides the possibility to optimize the future high-speed communications and t erahertz integrated plat forms.
Microcavity lasers based on erbium-doped lithium niobate on insulator(LNOI),which are key devices for LNOI integrated photonics,have attracted significant attention recently.In this study,we report the realization of a C-band single-mode laser using the Vernier effect in two coupled erbium-doped LNOI microrings with different radii under the pump of a 980-nm continuous laser.The laser,operating stably over a large range of pumping power,has a pump threshold of about 200μW and a side-mode suppression ratio exceeding 26 dB.The high-performance LNOI single-mode laser will promote the development of lithium niobate integrated photonics.
We experimentally study the wavelength dependence of light propagation in a water suspension of lithium niobate microcrystalline particles.First,the ballistic transmission in the visible range of the suspension is measured.The nonlinear relationship is observed between the transport mean free path and the wavelength of the incident light.Secondly,we measure the coherent backscattering (CBS) of the sample at different wavelengths.The full width at half maximum of the CBS cone at 532 nm is about 1.24 times as large as that at 671 nm.The results indicate that the light with a long wavelength propagates further than the short wavelength light and the localization state of the short one is stronger.Finally,we investigate the light-controllable CBS experiments in the disordered materials of anisotropic scatterers,which show that the configuration of pump light with the longer wavelength and the probe light with the shorter wavelength performs better.
SHI FanZHANG XinZhengLI JunWANG PiDongXU YanYU XuanYiXU JingJun
through single-site excitation. By changing the initial to the lattices, periodic oscillations of the localized quadruple state becomes a rotating doubly charged undergo charge-flipping when the rotating direction is orientation of the incident quadruple beam related quadruple mode may be obtained. The localized optical vortex (DCV) during rotation and should reversed.