A new experimental method was developed to simulate the generation of the surface transversal crack on the continuous casting slab with a discontinuous sample. A high temperature property of steel named 'the sensitivity to the stress concentration of steel at high temperature' was defined to evaluate the effect of stress concentration on thermal plasticity of steel. 'The sensitivity parameter to the stress concentration of steel at high temperature' was available to determine the temperature range in which steel is sensitive to the stress concentration.
在 Cu Ni Si B、 Ni Cr Si B自熔合金粉末中添加 WC陶瓷颗粒 ,利用氧乙炔焰粉末喷焊工艺制备覆层材料。用超声波振动气蚀仪对覆层材料进行耐气蚀性能研究 ,用扫描电子显微镜对覆层材料表面气蚀破坏形貌进行观察。结果表明 :复合覆层材料的耐气蚀能力比基体强 ;提高 Cu Ni Si B覆层材料耐气蚀能力的途径是强化晶界。