小流域土壤侵蚀量和养分损失量的定量研究可为南水北调水源区的生态保护、水土保持和生态补偿提供重要的依据。该文在地理信息技术(geographic information system,GIS)的支持下,应用修正通用土壤流失方程(revised universal soil loss equation,RUSLE)估算了丹江鹦鹉沟流域的土壤侵蚀量和养分损失量,并进行了土壤侵蚀强度分级。结果表明,流域的年均土壤侵蚀模数为3140t/km2,侵蚀强度为中度。其中强度侵蚀以上的土地面积占流域总面积的24.1%,侵蚀量为4573.0t,却占年侵蚀总量的84.8%,其主要是坡度较大的坡耕地,是流域需要重点治理的区域。不同土地利用类型的土壤侵蚀量差异较大,林地、草地和农地的年均土壤侵蚀模数分别为509.7、1511.8和4606.5t/km2。林草地年侵蚀量较小,农地土壤侵蚀量占流域总侵蚀量的95.3%。坡度每增加5°,不同土地利用的土壤侵蚀模数增加量比坡长每增加5m的增加量要大1~2倍。研究区表土流失造成的全氮、全磷和有机质损失量分别为3.81、3.52和101.45t,其中农地的养分损失量最为严重。流域泥沙中全氮、全磷和有机质的年均流失模数分别为1.01、0.75和38.43t/(km2a)。该研究可为水源区水土流失和非点源污染治理以及清洁小流域建设提供科学依据。
Based on 3 m×3 m grid in sloping cornfield with soil auger in Yingwugou Small Watershed of the Dan River Basin,a total of 39sampling points were collected,and soil water content and nutrient content were measured in different soil depths.Meanwhile,the soil properties of different depth have been analyzed by traditional statistical and geo-statistics approaches.The results showed:the mean value of total nitrogen and soil organic carbon reduced as soil depth increased in general.But soil water content increased as the soil depth increased.The change of total phosphorus with soil depth was not obvious.The total nitrogen,soil water content,soil organic carbon and total phosphorus presented a moderate intensity variation and strong spatial dependence.In the four sampling depths,semi-variance model can simulate spatial structure of total nitrogen,soil water content and total phosphorus in 0 to 10 cm and 10 to 20 cm well.But the spatial structure of soil organic carbon was not good,which could not be simulated with semi-variance model.The analysis with Kriging interpolation showed that,the total nitrogen,soil water content and total phosphorus presented layered distribution in 0 to 10 cm and 10 to 20 cm;when the spatial distribution changed to 10 to 20cm from 0 to 10 cm,the average total nitrogen content reduced to from 0.598 g/kg 0.310 g/kg,while the average soil water content and total phosphorus increased from 12.988%to 15.439%and from 0.229 g/kg to 0.366 g/kg,respectively.
Through field and laboratory tests we studied the temporal and spatial variation in the soil content of four available trace elements:copper(Cu),iron(Fe),manganese(Mn)and zinc(Zn),to analyze their distribution characteristics in reclaimed mining land under different reclamation conditions.The available trace elements content varied considerably with different land reclamation patterns.Extended reclamation time was helpful for the recovery of the available trace element content in the soil,and after more than eight years of soil reclamation,the content of available trace elements was closer to or greater than that in soil under natural conditions.Various treatment measures significantly influenced the content and distribution of available trace elements in the soil,and reasonable artificial treatments,including covering the soil and growing shrubs and herbaceous plants,increased the content of available trace elements.