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作品数:13 被引量:74H指数:5


  • 13篇中文期刊文章


  • 5篇化学工程
  • 5篇建筑科学
  • 3篇水利工程


  • 3篇混凝土
  • 2篇石粉
  • 2篇水化
  • 2篇水泥
  • 2篇水泥基
  • 2篇水泥基材
  • 2篇水泥基材料
  • 2篇孔结构
  • 2篇C4AF
  • 1篇压痕
  • 1篇早期开裂
  • 1篇筛分
  • 1篇石灰石
  • 1篇石灰石粉
  • 1篇水化硅酸钙
  • 1篇水化进程
  • 1篇速率
  • 1篇碾压
  • 1篇碾压混凝土
  • 1篇微结构


  • 6篇武汉大学
  • 1篇清华大学
  • 1篇武汉科技大学


  • 6篇何真
  • 2篇蔡新华
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  • 7篇Journa...
  • 4篇水利学报
  • 1篇建筑材料学报
  • 1篇水力发电学报


  • 5篇2018
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13 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
利用椭圆环开裂仪、比长仪、等温量热仪、压汞仪(MIP)及扫描电子显微镜(SEM),重点研究了在高碱含量水泥基材料中,K^+/Na^+摩尔比对其早期开裂敏感性的影响及机制,并探究了粉煤灰对不同K^+/Na^+摩尔比高碱水泥基材料早期开裂敏感性的影响。结果表明:K^+/Na^+摩尔比每增加1倍,水泥基材料初始开裂时间缩短3%左右,主要作用机制在于,更高的K^+/Na^+摩尔比增加了水泥基材料水化速率和对收缩影响较大的孔径小于50 nm的孔分布,导致浆体内部毛细孔水含量降低,孔隙压力增加,早期收缩率增加,收缩应力增大同时水泥基材料抗拉强度和结晶度的下降,降低了水泥基材料基体抵抗拉应力的能力,使水泥基材料开裂敏感性增加;粉煤灰并不能改变水泥基材料早期开裂随K^+/Na^+摩尔比的增加而增加这种规律,但能有效降低水泥材料开裂敏感性,其作用机制在于粉煤灰延缓了水泥早期水化,在一定程度上降低了孔压力,早期收缩率降低,同时增加了水泥基材料基体抵抗拉应力的能力,使水泥基材料具有良好抵抗早期开裂能力。
Early Carbonation Behavior of High-volume Dolomite Powder-cement Based Materials被引量:4
Combined with DTG analysis, X-Ray diffraction analysis (XRD) and field emission scanning electron microscopy analysis (FSEM) affiliated with energy dispersive spectrometer analysis (EDS), the early hydration and carbonation behavior of cement paste compacts incorporated with 30% of dolomite powder at low water to cement ratio (0.15) was investigated. The results showed that early carbonation curing was capable of developing rapid early strength. It is noted that the carbonation duration should be strictly controlled otherwise subsequent hydration might be hindered. Dolomite powder acted as nuclei of crystallization, resulting in acceleration of products formation and refinement of products crystal size. Therefore, as for cement-based material, it was found that early carbonation could reduce cement dosages to a large extent and promote rapid strength gain resulting from rapid formation of products, supplemental enhancement due to water release in the reaction of carbonation, and formation ofnanometer CaCO3 skeleton network at early age.
杨华美何真SHAO Yixin
Dynamic Rheological Behavior of Low Water-to-binder Ratio Mortars under Large Amplitude Oscillatory Shear(LAOS)
This work focuses on the dynamic rheological behavior of low water-to-binder ratio cement mortars blended with fly ash microspheres(FAM) or silica fume(SF). The initial slump flow of each group has been controlled at similar values by adjusting the superplasticizer dosages. With the help of a coaxial cylinder rheometer, the dynamic rheological behaviors of these mortars are investigated by frequency sweeping in the range of 0-2 Hz under large amplitude oscillatory shear(LAOS). Based on the systematical elaboration of dynamic rheological testing theory, the experimental data are processed according to Lissajous plot fitting to reveal the viscoelastic characteristics. The nonlinearity of response signals is further assessed with Fourier transform(FT) analysis. The parameters, storage modulus G', loss modulus G" and relative amplitude I3/I1 are proposed to clarify the influences of FAM and SF on the stability and energy consumption of local structures and nonlinearity of response torques. The hydration characteristics of various groups well confirmed the rheological phenomenon. This study is beneficial for the preparation and optimization of flow state concrete such as pumping concrete and self-compacting concrete.
何真JIANG RuiLI Yang
Mechanism of Suppressing ASR Using Ground Reactive Sandstone Powders instead of Cement
In order to understand the effect of powders ground from reactive sandstone replacing cement on reducing or suppressing alkali-silica reaction(ASR), and to identify the mechanism of suppressing ASR by this powders, mortar and paste containing reactive sandstone powders of four replacement levels ranging from 10wt% to 40wt% and four specific surfaces areas ranging from 210 m^2/kg to 860 m^2/kg were studied. The experimental results showed that incorporation of 40wt% reactive sandstone powders could suppress ASR effectively except for mortar containing reactive sandstone powders with specific surface area of 610 m^2/kg, which disagreed with the most results reported that the higher reactive powder specific surface area, the smaller ASR expansion. By means of fl ame photometry, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FT-IR) and thermo gravimetric analysis(TG), the mechanism of reactive sandstone powders on reducing or suppressing ASR was soluble alkalis type of reactive sandstone powders and the competition of liberating and bonding alkali of cement paste containing reactive sandstone powders,when the ability of alkali bonding was greater than the ability of alkali liberation, ASR caused by reactive sandstone was supressed effectively.
李洋何真HU Shuguang
Hydration Mechanism of Cement-based Materials with Different Si-rich Mineral Admixtures被引量:3
Early hydration mechanism of cement-based materials with silica fume, nano-SiO2 and silica sol of different contents was investigated, and the detailed effect of these Si-rich mineral admixtures in three stages of early hydration(NG, I, D) using kinetics model was focused. The results showed that silica fume, nano-SiO2, and silica sol have significant effect on kinetic parameters n, k1, k2 and k3, the fineness and existing form of SiO2 particles in these Si-rich mineral admixtures are two important factors to affect the hydration process and on the parameters. Through integrated use of methods of hydration heat-Krstulovic-Dabic Modelsynthetical thermal analysis, data of hydration heat were collected, hydration degree was characterized, as well as the resulting crystallization behavior of early hydration, to build a numerical relationship between parameter n and CH contents that n decreases with increasing CH, and thus, a direct connection between hydration heat release behavior and crystallization behavior has been established.
Influences of Ignition Temperature, Urea-to-Metal Nitrates Molar Ratio, and Further Calcination on Synthesis of C_4AF via the SPCR Method
The self-propagating combustion reaction(SPCR)method was employed to synthesize C4AF using metal nitrates as cation precursors and urea as fuel.Thermal decomposition behavior of dried gels,phase identification and crystallinity of synthesized C4AF,and impact of urea to metal nitrates(UR/MN)molar ratio on synthesis effect were investigated with the aid of differential thermogravimetric analysis,X-ray diffraction and Fourier transform inferred spectrometry.It is found that pure C4AF can be prepared by the SPCR method in 2 h at 500℃.The UR/MN molar ratio plays a significant role in the thermal decomposition behavior of dried gel,purity,crystallinity and crystallite size of synthesized C4AF.Ignition temperature should be not lower than 500℃but higher temperatures were unnecessary.No trace of free lime in synthesized C4AF is detected and calcium carbonate is the transition phase.Further calcining the synthesized C4AF at high temperatures is beneficial for increasing crystallinity,purity and crystallite size.Reaction activation energy of the further calcination process is 119.6 kJ/mol.It is more efficient to improve the synthesis effect by increasing UR/MN molar ratio than further calcination at high temperatures.
利用压汞、纳米压痕以及27Al固体核磁共振方法,系统研究了不同碱金属离子(Na^+和K^+)与含量对水泥基材料早期自收缩和干燥收缩性能的影响规律。结果表明,超量的Na^+或K^+均促进了水泥基材料早期自收缩和干燥收缩,但K^+的促进作用明显大于Na^+,其机制在于:(1)K^+比Na^+更易促进水泥基材料中小于50纳米孔数量的增加,这使得超量K^+水泥基材料在干燥时具有更大的收缩驱动力;(2)虽然K^+比Na^+更易促进水泥基材料生成高密度水化硅酸钙(HD C-S-H),但同时超量K^+水泥基材料中C-S-H总量也较高,大量的C-S-H是导致较高早期收缩的根源;(3)与Na^+相比,K^+更明显地阻碍了钙矾石(AFt)晶体的形成,削弱了AFt的骨架作用,且K^+可促使AFt向单硫型水化硫铝酸钙(AFm)转变,因而导致超量K^+水泥基材料更易发生收缩变形。