The definition of a drought index is the foundation of drought research.However,because of the complexity of drought,there is no a unified drought index appropriate for different drought types and objects at the same time.Therefore,it is crucial to determine the regional applicability of various drought indices.Using terrestrial water storage obtained from the Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment,and the observed soil moisture and streamflow in China,we evaluated the regional applicability of seven meteorological drought indices:the Palmer Drought Severity Index(PDSI),modified PDSI(PDSI_CN) based on observations in China,self-calibrating PDSI(scPDSI),Surface Wetness Index(SWI),Standardized Precipitation Index(SPI),Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index(SPEI),and soil moisture simulations conducted using the community land model driven by observed atmospheric forcing(CLM3.5/ObsFC).The results showed that the scPDSI is most appropriate for China.However,it should be noted that the scPDSI reduces the value range slightly compared with the PDSI and PDSI_CN;thus,the classification of dry and wet conditions should be adjusted accordingly.Some problems might exist when using the PDSI and PDSI_CN in humid and arid areas because of the unsuitability of empiricalparameters.The SPI and SPEI are more appropriate for humid areas than arid and semiarid areas.This is because contributions of temperature variation to drought are neglected in the SPI,but overestimated in the SPEI,when potential evapotranspiration is estimated by the Thornthwaite method in these areas.Consequently,the SPI and SPEI tend to induce wetter and drier results,respectively.The CLM3.5/ObsFC is suitable for China before 2000,but not for arid and semiarid areas after 2000.Consistent with other drought indices,the SWI shows similar interannual and decadal change characteristics in detecting annual dry/wet variations.Although the long-term trends of drought areas in China detected by these seven drought indices during 1961-2013 are consistent,
The trends and fluctuations of observed and CMIP5-simulated yearly mean surface air temperature over China were analyzed.In general,the historical simulations replicate the observed increase of temperature,but the multi-model ensemble (MME) mean does not accurately reproduce the drastic interannual fluctuations.The correlation coefficient of the MME mean with the observations over all runs and all models was 0.77,which was larger than the largest value (0.65) from any single model ensemble.The results showed that winter temperatures are increasing at a higher rate than summer temperatures,and that winter temperatures exhibit stronger interannual variations.It was also found that the models underestimate the differences between winter and summer rates.The ensemble empirical mode decomposition technique was used to obtain six intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) for the modeled temperature and observations.The periods of the first two IMFs of the MME mean were 3.2 and 7.2,which represented the cycle of 2-7-yr oscillations.The periods of the third and fourth IMFs were 14.7 and 35.2,which reflected a multi-decadal oscillation of climate change.The corresponding periods of the first four IMFs were 2.69,7.24,16.15 and 52.5 in the observed data.The models overestimate the period of low frequency oscillation of temperature,but underestimate the period of high frequency variation.The warming rates from different representative concentration pathways (RCPs) were calculated,and the results showed that the temperature will increase by approximately 0.9℃,2.4℃,3.2℃ and 6.1℃ in the next century under the RCP2.6,RCP4.5,RCP6.0 and RCP8.5 scenarios,respectively.
Characteristics of diurnal cycle precipitation over China are investigated using twice-daily observations by the China Meteorological Administration during 1960–2000. Characteristics investigated include nighttime/daytime precipitation amount(PA), intensity, and frequency. Geographically, the region is separated into western and eastern China by the 110°E longitude. Our analysis shows that there generally is more night-time than daytime precipitation in western China, particularly in the Sichuan Basin. Over eastern China, the opposite holds true, particularly along the southeast coast. Regional average monthly daytime and night-time precipitation peaks in the same month for both western and eastern China. Over western China, monthly night-time precipitation is always greater than that during daytime, but the night-time precipitation frequency(PF) is only greater in non-summer(June–August) months. Over eastern China, daytime precipitation is greater than that in the night-time during the warm season(May–August) in both amount and frequency. The night-day difference(night-time minus daytime) in PA over western China is mainly influenced by precipitation intensity, while over eastern China the night-day difference in rainfall amount is mostly driven by PF.