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10 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Preparation of Mg-Li-La alloys by electrolysis in molten salt被引量:8
An electrochemical method was used to prepare Mg-Li-La alloys in a molten LiCl-KCl-KF-MgCl2 containing La2O3 at 943 K. The results showed preparation of Mg-Li-La alloys by electrolysis is feasible. The Mg-Li-La alloys were analyzed by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), optical micrograph (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). XRD analysis indicates that α+Mg17La2, α+β+Mg17La2 and β+LaMg3 Mg-Li-La alloys with different lithium and lanthanum contents were obtained via galvanostatic electrolysis. The microstructures of typical α+Mg17La2 and β+LaMg3 phases of Mg-Li-La alloys were characterized by optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The analysis of energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) shows that the element of Mg distributes homogeneously in the Mg-Li-La alloy and the element of La mostly exists at grain boundaries to restrain the grain growth rate due to the larger ionic radius and lower electronegativity compared with Mg.
ZHANG Mi-linCAO PengHAN WeiYAN Yong-deCHEN Li-jun
Electrochemical reduction of Tm ions in LiCl-KCl melt at liquid Zn electrodes
The reduction of Tm(Ⅲ) on a liquid Zn electrode was investigated in a Li Cl-KCl melt via cyclic voltammetry,square wave voltammetry, and open circuit chronopotentiometry. On a liquid Zn electrode, the reduction mechanism of Tm(Ⅲ) ions is through one step with the exchange of three electrons via the formation of a Zn-Tm alloy. This differs from that on an inert electrode, as the reduction is Tm(Ⅲ) ions were though two consecutive steps. Galvanostatic electrolysis was carried out at a liquid Zn electrode at different current densities in a LiClKCl-TmCl3 melt. The Tm2Zn17 intermetallic compound was identified in the deposit, except in the Zn phase,by X-ray Diffraction(XRD).
研究了773 K时Gd Cl3在Li Cl-KCl熔盐体系中在Mo和Al电极上的电化学行为和热力学特性.利用开路计时电位曲线得到了Gd(III)/Gd(0)体系在723-873 K温度范围的平衡电极电位和表观电极电位.结果表明:平衡电极电位和表观电极电位随着温度的升高而变正.通过吉布斯自由能变进一步计算得到了Gd Cl3在Li Cl-KCl熔盐体系中不同温度下的活度系数.结合稳态极化曲线,求得去极化值,并通过热力学计算,求得773 K时Gd的理论提取效率.在773 K时,在Li Cl-KCl-Gd Cl3体系中,以Al为工作电极在-1.5 V左右通过恒电位电解提取Gd,电解20 h后实际电解提取效率为94.22%.对电解沉积物进行X射线衍射(XRD)分析,检测到了Al3Gd合金相.
Electrodeposition of quarternary Mg-Zn-Li-Ca alloys from molten salts被引量:1
Direct electrodeposition of quarternary Mg-Zn-Li-Ca alloys on a molybdenum electrode from LiCl-KCl-MgCl2-ZnCl2-CaCl2 melts at 943 K was investigated.Cyclic voltammograms(CVs) show that the deposition potential of Li shifts in a positive direction after adding MgCl2,ZnCl2 and CaCl2.Chronopotentiometric measurements indicate that the codepositon of Mg,Li,Zn,and Ca occurs at current densities lower than-1.55 A/cm2.X-ray diffraction(XRD) indicates that Mg-Zn-Li-Ca alloys with different phases were prepared via galvanostatic electrolysis.The microstructures of typical phase of Mg-Zn-Li-Ca alloys were characterized by optical microscopy(OM) and scanning electron microscopy(SEM).The analysis of energy dispersive spectrometry(EDS) shows that elements of Mg and Ca distribute homogeneously in the Mg-Zn-Li-Ca alloy.However,element Zn mainly locates at the edges of the domain.
采用循环伏安和计时电位等电化学技术研究了Mn(Ⅱ)在LiCl-KCl-MgCl2-MnCl2熔盐体系中的电还原过程和Mg-Li-Mn合金的共沉积条件.结果显示,在LiCl-KCl-MgCl2-MnCl2熔盐体系中,Mn(Ⅱ),Mg(Ⅱ)和Li(Ⅰ)的还原电位分别为-1.14,-1.78和-2.19 V.Mn先析出,在钼电极表面沉积;Mg在Mn上欠电位沉积生成Mg-Mn合金;而Li在Mg-Mn合金上欠电位沉积形成Mg-Li-Mn合金.实验结果表明,Mn(Ⅱ)在熔盐中的还原电极过程受扩散控制.Mn(Ⅱ)在熔盐中的扩散系数约为10-5 cm2/s.运用XRD技术对恒电流电解制备的Mg-Li-Mn合金进行了分析,结果表明,Mg-Li-Mn合金中含有β-Li,α-Mg和Mn 3个相.
Preparation of ternary Mg-Li-Sn alloys from molten salt by electrolysis被引量:2
Electrochemical behavior of Mg, Li and Sn on tungsten electrodes in LiC1-KC1-MgCI2- SnC12 melts at 873 K was investigated. Cyclic voltammograms (CVs) showed that the underpotential deposition (UPD) of magnesium on pre-deposited tin leads to the formation of a Mg-Sn alloy, and the succeeding underpotential deposition of lithium on pre-deposited Mg-Sn alloy leads to the formation of a Mg-Li-Sn alloy. Chronopo- tentiometric measurements indicated that the codepositon of Mg, Li and Sn occurs at current densities more negative than -1.16 A.cm-~. X-ray diffraction (XRD) in- dicated that Mg2Sn phase is formed via galvanostatic electrolysis. The element Mg distributes homogeneously and Sn locates mainly on the grain boundaries in the Mg- Li-Sn alloy.
Peng CAOMilin ZHANGWei HANYongde YANLijun CHEN
Electrochemical study on preparation of Mg-Li-Yb alloys in LiCl-KCl-KF-MgCl_2-Yb_2O_3 melts被引量:1
This paper presented a novel study on electrochemical codeposition of Mg-Li-Yb alloys in LiCl-KCl-KF-MgCl2-Yb2O3 melts on molybdenum. The factors of the current efficiency were investigated. Electrolysis temperature had great influence on current efficiency; the highest current efficiency was obtained when electrolysis temperature was about 660 oC. The content of Li in Mg-Li-Yb alloys increased with the high current densities. The optimal electrolytic temperature and cathodic current density were around 660 oC and 9.3 A/cm2, respectively. The chemical content, phases, morphology of the alloys and the distribution of the elements were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, respectively. The intermetallic of Mg-Yb was mainly distributed in the grain boundary of the alloys, presented as reticulated structures, and refined the grains. The lithium and ytterbium contents in Mg-Li-Yb al-loys could be controlled by changing the concentration of MgCl2 and Yb2O3 and the electrolysis conditions.
在803 K LiCl-KCl熔盐中,研究了通过添加助剂AlCl3直接电化学还原Sm2O3和Al-Sm合金的形成。以SmCl3为原料作为参照,采用循环伏安和方波伏安方法,研究了Sm2O3在LiCl-KCl-AlCl3熔盐体系中的电化学行为。通过对比发现在两个体系中,峰的数量和位置基本一致,这说明在LiCl-KCl熔盐中,加入AlCl3之后,可以将Sm2O3有效氯化。计时电位结果表明,当阴极电流比-139.8 mA.cm-2更负时,Al和Sm共同还原。为了提取Sm,采用恒电流从LiCl-KCl-AlCl3-Sm2O3熔盐中电解得到Al-Sm合金样品,并进行XRD表征,结果表明可以通过调节AlCl3和Sm2O3的浓度得到不同相的Al-Sm合金。
Electrochemical formation of Mg-Li-Y alloys by co-deposition of magnesium, lithium and yttrium ions in molten chlorides被引量:5
An electrochemical approach for the preparation of Mg-Li-Y alloys via co-reduction of Mg, Li, and Y on a molybdenum electrode in LiCl-KCl-MgCl2-YCl3 melts at 943 K was investigated. Cyclic voltammograms (CVs) illuminated that the underpotential deposition (UPD) of yttrium on pre-deposited magnesium led to the formation of a liquid Mg-Y alloy, and the succeeding underpotential deposition of lithium on pre-deposited Mg-Y led to the formation of a liquid Mg-Li-Y alloy. Chronopotentiometry measurements indicated that the order of electrode reactions was as follows: discharge of Mg(II) to Mg-metal, electroreduction of Y on the surface of Mg with formation of ε-Mg24+xY5 and after that the discharge of Li+ with the deposition of Mg-Li-Y alloys. X-ray diffraction (XRD) indicated that Mg-Li-Y alloys with different phases were formed via galvanostatic electrolysis. The microstructure of different phases of Mg-Li-Y alloys was characterized by optical microscope (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The analysis results of inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer (ICP-AES) showed that the chemical compositions of Mg-Li-Y alloys corresponded with the phase structures of the XRD patterns, and the lithium and yttrium contents of Mg-Li-Y alloys depended on the concentrations of MgCl2 and YCl3 .