In Capital Circle area, there are three groups of repeated gravity measurements observed by different institutes using different instruments or methods. The simultaneous adjustment of absolute and relative measurements and the elimination of systematic error among the relative measurements have been carded out in this paper. Thus an unified temporal gravity change system with absolute reference has been established. On the basis of this, the crustal subsidence effect on gravity, which belongs to non-tectonic factor, is analyzed and the station displacement corrections are carried out, so that the long-wave disturbance is eliminated. So far our following aims are realized: the advantages of the absolute and relative measurement methods are complementary to each other; the contradiction and environment disturbance are eliminated; the amounts of information are enlarged; the sampling interval of time domain is compressed. In a word, the ability of identifying the tectonic activity process is enhanced. The results show that: there are systematic errors between the two groups of relative measurements and within the data of 10 campaigns ; the uneven local crustal subsidence in the southeast of the study area results in a linear rise of gravity value at 10 stations; they can be corrected by the regression analysis. The maps of revised temporal gravity change can obviously and integrally reflect the Ms=5.0 earthquake in Guye on October 6, 1995.
This paper assesses the structure and ability of Local Seismological Gravity Monitoring Network (LSGMN) in China main tectonic zone and China Seismological Gravity Monitoring System (CSGMS) which formed after the project of 'China Crustal Movement Observation Network (CCMON)' has been performed. The main conclusions drawn are as follows: ①LSGMN has good monitoring and prediction ability for the earthquake of M_s about 5. But it lacks ability to monitor and predict the strong earthquake of M_s>6 because of the little range of the observation network;②CSGMS has good ability to monitor and predict the earthquake of M_s>7, but the resolving power is not enough for the earthquake magnitude from M_s=6 to M_s=7 because the observation stations are too sparse.