Granulite xenoliths are found in the early Mesozoic diorite intrusions from Chifeng and Ningcheng areas, eastern Inner Mongolia. The granulites are granoblastic and weakly gneissic with mineral assemblage of hypersthene, diopside, plagioclase and minor biotite, amphibole and ilmenite. Some samples contain the intergrowth composed of labradorite and vermicular hypersthene, and some coarse-grained plagioclases of andesine and labradorite composition occasionally develop bytownite rims with vermicular hypersthene, indicating a possible presence of garnet. Presence of blastogabbroic texture and hypersthene with diopside exsolution lamellae in some samples suggests that the protolith of the granulite is norite or gabbro. On the basis of metamorphic research and thermobaric calculation, the evolution of the granulite xenoliths is summarized into the following stages: (1) Isobaric cooling of underplated noritic or gabbroic magma in the lower crust led to the formation of probable garnet-bearing medium-high pressure granulite. (2) These higher pressure granulites were adiabatically uplifted to upper crust by dioritic magma and transformed to low pressure two-pyroxene granulite during an isothermal decompression. (3) The two-pyroxene granulite underwent retrograde metamorphism of different degrees during an isobaric cooling process as a result of crystallization and cooling of the dioritic magma. The pyroxenite-dominated cumulates and the medium-high pressure granulites may have rejuvenated the lower crust during the early Mesozoic.
SHAO JiAn 1,2 & WEI ChunJing 1 1 The Key Laboratory of Orogenic Belts and Crustal Evolution, Ministry of Education
The CAS phase is a major constituent phase for the continental crust and basaltic compositions at the P-T conditions of the Earth's mantle, and potentially plays an important role in the geodynamic processes related to slab subduction. Its equation of state has been investigated here at ambient temperature up to about 25 GPa by using a diamond-anvil cell and synchrotron Xray radiation. Its P-V data, fitted to the third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation, yield an isothermal bulk modulus (KT) of 185 (9) GPa and first pressure derivative ( KT^t ) of 7.2 (12). If KT^t is fixed at 4, file derived Kr is 212 (4) GPa. Additionally, the CAS phase is strongly elastically anisotropic, with its a-axis direction much less compressible than c-axis direction: Kr-a : Kr-c = 2.19.
LIU XiHE QiangDENG LiWeiZHAI ShuangMengHU XiaoMinLI BaoShengZHANG LiFeiCHEN ZhiQiangLIU Qiong