A novel element for collimating LED light is designed based on non-imaging optics. It is composed of a refraction lens and a reflector. The upper surface of the lens is freeform and calculated by geometrical optics and iterative process. The lens makes the rays in the range of 0°-45°from the optical axis collimated. The rays in the range of 45°-90°from the optical axis are collimated by the reflector. The inner surface of the reflector is parabolic with its focus located in the LED chip. The designed element is applicable to LED source of any emitting type. For a certain application, the simulation results of the designed element in Tracepro show that it has a very compact structure and good collimating performance. Just investigating the loss in the lens surfaces, this element has high light output efficiency of nearly 99%. Most lighting area radii are no more than 20 mm when the illuminated plane is 5 m away from the LED source.
Determining the global distribution of minerals on the Moon has been an important goal of lunar science. Hyperspectral remote sensing is an important approach to acquiring minerals on the Moon on the global scale. The wavelength of the absorption band center is the key parameter for identifying minerals with reflectance spectra as well as remote sensing data. The global absorption center map of the mafic minerals of the Moon was produced for the first time with the Chang’E-1 IIM data. This map shows the global distribution of mafic minerals such as orthopyroxenes, clinopyroxenes, and olivine and even plagioclase feldspar of the Moon. The validation for some representative areas indicates that the global map is reliable and even more detailed than the results derived from Clementine-data. Moreover, our method is insensitive to the topography and viewing and illumination geometries. The global absorption band center map not only contributes to the lunar science research, but also has other implications to be further studied. Moreover, the preprocessing methods such as calibration and correction introduced in this study can be useful in other research with IIM data.
地球大气层外太阳光谱辐照度(extraterrestrial solar spectral irradiance,ESSI)数据是计算卫星传感器波段平均太阳辐照度(band mean solar irradiance,BMSI)的重要参数。为了探求利用何种来源的ESSI数据计算传感器BMSI更为准确,分别采用SBDART软件模拟的太阳光谱曲线数据、MODTRAN4.0 oldkur.dat文件数据、Thuillier太阳光谱曲线数据和WRC太阳光谱曲线数据计算了HJ-1A CCD1(B1—B4),CBERS-02 CCD(B1—B5),Landsat5TM(B1—B4)和ASTER(B1—B8)4种传感器的BMSI,并与传感器运营商公布的数据进行了比较。结果表明:利用SBDART和WRC太阳光谱曲线数据计算的结果误差较小;利用MODTRAN4.0 oldkur.dat数据计算的结果误差次之;利用Thuillier太阳光谱曲线的计算结果误差较大。