投资是总需求的重要组成部分,在美国、投资需求一般占总需求的15.5%~20%左右,2007年投资需求占总需求的15.5%(Bureau of Economic Analysis,2008);在我国,投资更是占到了总需求的40%左右,2006年投资需求占总需求的42.5%。因此,投资需求就成为宏观调控的主要对象之一。货币政策和财政政策均可用于调节投资需求,但财政政策用的很少,各国目前主要是用货币政策来调节投资需求。
The major anticipated objectives of economic structural adjustmentswere to optimize and upgrade industrial structures and strengthen worldcompetitiveness. Levels of economic and social informatization should beenhanced and infrastructure further improved. The trend of wideningdevelopment gaps between regions should be effectively controlled and levelsof urbanization raised. Build new socialist rural areas, optimize and upgradeindustrial structures, promote concordant development of regions, build aconservation-minded and environment-friendly society, further system reformand enhance opening-up, efficiently practice strategies to invigorate Chinathrough science and education and through human resource development,and give impetus to constructing a socialist harmonious society.