The emergence of software-defined vehicles(SDVs),combined with autonomous driving technologies,has en-abled a new era of vehicle computing(VC),where vehicles serve as a mobile computing platform.However,the interdisci-plinary complexities of automotive systems and diverse technological requirements make developing applications for au-tonomous vehicles challenging.To simplify the development of applications running on SDVs,we propose a comprehen-sive suite of vehicle programming interfaces(VPIs).In this study,we rigorously explore the nuanced requirements for ap-plication development within the realm of VC,centering our analysis on the architectural intricacies of the Open Vehicu-lar Data Analytics Platform(OpenVDAP).We then detail our creation of a comprehensive suite of standardized VPIs,spanning five critical categories:Hardware,Data,Computation,Service,and Management,to address these evolving pro-gramming requirements.To validate the design of VPIs,we conduct experiments using the indoor autonomous vehicle,Ze-bra,and develop the OpenVDAP prototype system.By comparing it with the industry-influential AUTOSAR interface,our VPIs demonstrate significant enhancements in programming efficiency,marking an important advancement in the field of SDV application development.We also show a case study and evaluate its performance.Our work highlights that VPIs significantly enhance the efficiency of developing applications on VC.They meet both current and future technologi-cal demands and propel the software-defined automotive industry toward a more interconnected and intelligent future.
针对电压源型换流器高压直流输电VSC-HVDC(voltage source converter based high-voltage direct current)交流系统中占比较大的5、7、11、13等低次谐波,在比例积分PI(proportional integral)控制的基础上,提出1种dq坐标系下基于矢量比例积分VPI(vector proportional integral)调节器的选择性谐波电流控制策略。其中,PI用于控制电流误差直流分量,而VPI用于抑制电流误差的倍频波动。与比例积分谐振PIR(proportional integral resonance)调节器不同,VPI含有二阶分子,可在所设谐振频率点处实现控制系统闭环传递函数的理想0°相位延迟,因此其对谐波电流的控制精度优于PIR。利用Simulink软件建立1个2端VSC-HVDC系统,分别对传统PI、PIR及PI并联VPI这3种控制方式下VSC的2侧交流电流进行仿真,通过对比谐波含量,验证VPI谐波抑制性能的优越性。