搜索到85292篇“ SOLID-STATE“的相关文章
A dynamic database of solid-state electrolyte(DDSE)picturing all-solid-state batteries
All-solid-state batteries(ASSBs)are a class of safer and higher-energy-density materials compared to conventional devices,from which solid-state electrolytes(SSEs)are their essential components.To date,investigations to search for high ion-conducting solid-state electrolytes have attracted broad concern.However,obtaining SSEs with high ionic conductivity is challenging due to the complex structural information and the less-explored structure-performance relationship.To provide a solution to these challenges,developing a database containing typical SSEs from available experimental reports would be a new avenue to understand the structureperformance relationships and find out new design guidelines for reasonable SSEs.Herein,a dynamic experimental database containing>600 materials was developed in a wide range of temperatures(132.40–1261.60 K),including mono-and divalent cations(e.g.,Li^(+),Na^(+),K^(+),Ag^(+),Ca^(2+),Mg^(2+),and Zn^(2+))and various types of anions(e.g.,halide,hydride,sulfide,and oxide).Data-mining was conducted to explore the relationships among different variates(e.g.,transport ion,composition,activation energy,and conductivity).Overall,we expect that this database can provide essential guidelines for the design and development of high-performance SSEs in ASSB applications.This database is dynamically updated,which can be accessed via our open-source online system.
Fangling YangEgon Campos dos SantosXue JiaRyuhei SatoKazuaki KisuYusuke HashimotoShin-ichi OrimoHao Li
Reasonable design a high-entropy garnet-type solid electrolyte for all-solid-state lithium batteries
Traditional garnet solid electrolyte(Li_(7)La_(3)Zr_(2)O_(12))suffers from low room temperature ionic conductivity,poor air stability,high sintering temperature and energy consumption.Considering the development prospects of high-entropy materials with high structural disorder and strong component controllability in the field of electrochemical energy storage,herein,a novel high-entropy garnet-type oxide solid electrolyte,Li_(5.75)Ga_(0.25)La_(3)Zr_(0.5)Ti_(0.5)Sn_(0.5)Nb_(0.5)O_(12)(LGLZTSNO)was constructed by partially replacing the Li and Zr sites in Li_(7)La_(3)Zr_(2)O_(12)with Ga and Ti/Sn/Nb elements,respectively.The experimental and density functional theory(DFT)calculation results show that the high-entropy LGLZTSNO electrolyte has preferable room temperature ion conductivity,air stability,interface contact performance with lithium anode,and the ability to suppress lithium dendrites.Thanks to the improvement of electrolyte performance,the critical current density of Li/Ag@LGLZTSNO/Li symmetric cell was increased from 0.42 to 1.57 mA cm^(−2),and the interface area specific impedance(IASR)was reduced from 765.2 to 42.3Ωcm^(2).Meanwhile,the Li/Ag@LGLZTSNO/LFP full cell also exhibits excellent rate performance and cycling performance(148 mA h g^(−1)at 0.1 C and 124 mA h g^(−1)at 0.5 C,capacity retention up to 84.8%after 100 cycles at 0.1 C),showing the application prospects of high-entropy LGLZTSNO solid electrolyte in high-performance all solid state lithium batteries.
Shiyu YuYandi LiJiaxin LuoDaming ChenLiang YangYaqing WeiDe LiYuanxun LiYong Chen
Solid-state sodium metal batteries utilizing inorganic solid electrolytes(SEs)hold immense potentials such as intrinsical safety,high energy density,and environmental sustainability.However,the interfacial inhomogeneity/instability at the anode-SE interface usually triggers the penetration of sodium dendrites into the electrolyte,leading to short circuit and battery failure.Herein,confronting with the original nonuniform and high-resistance solid electrolyte interphase(SEI)at the Na-Na_(3)Zr_(2)Si_(2)PO_(12)interface,an oxygen-regulated SEI innovative approach is proposed to enhance the cycling stability of anode-SEs interface,through a spontaneous reaction between the metallic sodium(containing trace amounts of oxygen)and the Na_(3)Zr_(2)Si_(2)POi_(2)SE.The oxygen-regulated spontaneous SEI is thin,uniform,and kinetically stable to facilitate homogenous interfacial Na^+transportation,Benefitting from the optimized SEI,the assembled symmetric cell exhibits an ultra-stable sodium plating/stripping cycle for over 6600 h under a practical capacity of 3 mAh cm^(-2).Qua si-sol id-state batteries with Na_(3)V_(2)(PO_(4))_(3)cathode deliver excellent cyclability over 500 cycles at a rate of 0.5 C(1 C=117 mA cm^(-2))with a high capacity retention of95.4%.This oxygen-regulated SEI strategy may offer a potential avenue for the future development of high-energy-density solid-state metal batteries.
曹克爽夏宇凡李皓盛黄慧琴Sikandar IqbalMuhammad Yousaf徐斌孙文平严密潘洪革姜银珠
Solid-state synthesis and ion transport characteristics of the β-KSbF_(4) for all-solid-state fluoride-ion batteries
All-solid-state fluoride ion batteries(FIBs)have been recently considered as a post-lithium-ion battery system due to their high safety and high energy density.Just like all solid-state lithium batteries,the key to the development of FIBs lies in room-temperature electrolytes with high ionic conductivity.β-KSbF_(4) is a kind of promising solid-state electrolyte for FIBs owing to its rational ionic conductivity and relatively wide electrochemical stability window at room temperature.However,the previous synthesis routes ofβ-KSbF_(4) required the use of highly toxic hydrofluoric acid and the ionic conductivity of as-prepared product needs to be further improved.Herein,the β-KSbF_(4) sample with an ionic conductivity of 1.04×10^(-4)s cm^(-1)(30°C)is synthesized through the simple solid-state route.In order to account for the high ionic conductivity of the as-synthesizedβ-KSbF_(4),X-ray diffraction(XRD),scanning electron microscopy(SEM),and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDS)are used to characterize the physic-ochemical properties.The results show that the as-synthesizedβ-KSbF_(4) exhibits higher carrier concentra-tion of 1.0×10^(-6)S cm-Hz^(-1)K and hopping frequency of 1.31×10^(6)Hz at 30°C due to the formation of the fluorine vacancies.Meanwhile,the hopping frequency shows the same trend as the changes of ionic conductivity with the changes of temperature,while the carrier concentration is found to be almost con-stant.The two different trends indicate the hopping frequency is mainly responsible for the ionic conduc-tion behavior withinβ-KSbF_(4).Furthermore,the all-solid-state FIBs,in which Ag and Pb+PbF_(2) are adopted as cathode and anode,andβ-KSbF_(4) as fluoride ion conductor,are capable of reversible charge and discharge.The assembled FIBs show a discharge capacity of 108.4 mA h g^(-1) at 1st cycle and 74.2 mA h g^(-1) at 50th cycle.Based on an examination of the capacity decay mechanism,it has been found that deterioration of the electrolyte/electrode interface is an important reason for hi
Jiali LiuHuahui ZhaoJingcheng XiaLingguang YiXiaoyi ChenDongdu LiShuhan NiXinyi SuYixuan ChenMin LiuXianyou Wang
Sandwich-type composited solid polymer electrolytes to strengthen the interfacial ionic transportation and bulk conductivity for all-solid-state lithium batteries from room temperature to 120℃
The insurmountable charge transfer impedance at the Li metal/solid polymer electrolytes(SPEs)interface at room temperature as well as the ascending risk of short circuits at the operating temperature higher than the melting point,dominantly limits their applications in solid-state batteries(SSBs).Although the inorganic filler such as CeO_(2)nanoparticle content of composite solid polymer electrolytes(CSPEs)can significantly reduce the enormous charge transfer impedance at the Li metal/SPEs interface,we found that the required content of CeO_(2)nanoparticles in SPEs varies for achieving a decent interfacial charge transfer impedance and the bulk ionic conductivity in CSPEs.In this regard,a sandwich-type composited solid polymer electrolyte with a 10%CeO_(2)CSPEs interlayer sandwiched between two 50%CeO_(2)CSPEs thin layers(sandwiched CSPEs)is constructed to simultaneously achieve low charge transfer impedance and superior ionic conductivity at 30℃.The sandwiched CSPEs allow for stable cycling of Li plating and stripping for 1000 h with 129 mV polarized voltage at 0.1 mA cm^(-2)and 30℃.In addition,the LiFePO_(4)/Sandwiched CSPEs/Li cell also exhibits exceptional cycle performance at 30℃and even elevated120℃without short circuits.Constructing multi-layered CSPEs with optimized contents of the inorganic fillers can be an efficient method for developing all solid-state PEO-based batteries with high performance at a wide range of temperatures.
Jiewen TanZhen WangJiawu CuiZhanhui JiaWensheng TianChao WuChengxin PengChengyong ShuKang YangWei Tang
聚合物基固态电解质得益于其易加工性,最有希望应用于下一代固态锂金属电池.目前,聚合物基态电解质的离子电导率提升策略多为加入导锂陶瓷以构建离子传输通道,其提升程度有限.电场在锂离子输运过程中存在重要影响,目前研究中有关电场对锂离子传输的影响机制尚不明确.本文将兼具高离子电导率和高介电常数的铌酸锂嵌入聚偏氟乙烯基体中,设计了一种新型复合固态电解质.铌酸锂颗粒有效调节电解质内部电场结构,增强了离子输运方向电场强度,实现了离子电导率的大幅提升(7.39×10^(-4)S cm^(-1),25℃).该电解质匹配高镍正极和锂金属负极的固态电池可稳定循环1000次以上,容量保持率为72%.该研究为设计下一代固态锂电池用高离子电导复合固态电解质提供了新的策略.
聚环氧乙烷(PEO)聚合物电解质有望应用于全固态锂金属电池.然而,目前还没有提出有效的方法制备全固态PEO电解质,以克服其在室温下无法使用的局限性.在本研究中,我们基于聚合物C-H键功能化策略,通过在聚合物链上直接共价连接具有锂配位活性的丁二腈官能团,设计出了一种高离子导电性PEO电解质.该官能团有效增强了PEO链的无序性和流动性,同时也作为链间快速离子传导的活性位点,从而实现了离子周围自由体积和迁移行为的双重优化.得益于官能团对离子输运的精准调节,新型电解质表现出更强的离子传导性(离子电导率提升100倍)、更高的转移数(tLi+=0.51)和更宽的电化学窗口(>0.47 V).特别是功能化的PEO300k电解质具有超高室温离子电导率(25℃时为1.01×10^(-4)S cm^(-1))并且能够在室温下稳定工作,该研究为开发具有实际应用价值的聚合物电解质提供了新的途径.
In-situ interfacial passivation and self-adaptability synergistically stabilizing all-solid-state lithium metal batteries被引量:1
The function of solid electrolytes and the composition of solid electrolyte interphase(SEI)are highly significant for inhibiting the growth of Li dendrites.Herein,we report an in-situ interfacial passivation combined with self-adaptability strategy to reinforce Li_(0.33)La_(0.557)TiO_(3)(LLTO)-based solid-state batteries.Specifically,a functional SEI enriched with LiF/Li_(3)PO_(4) is formed by in-situ electrochemical conversion,which is greatly beneficial to improving interface compatibility and enhancing ion transport.While the polarized dielectric BaTiO_(3)-polyamic acid(BTO-PAA,BP)film greatly improves the Li-ion transport kinetics and homogenizes the Li deposition.As expected,the resulting electrolyte offers considerable ionic conductivity at room temperature(4.3 x 10~(-4)S cm^(-1))and appreciable electrochemical decomposition voltage(5.23 V)after electrochemical passivation.For Li-LiFePO_(4) batteries,it shows a high specific capacity of 153 mA h g^(-1)at 0.2C after 100 cycles and a long-term durability of 115 mA h g^(-1)at 1.0 C after 800 cycles.Additionally,a stable Li plating/stripping can be achieved for more than 900 h at 0.5 mA cm^(-2).The stabilization mechanisms are elucidated by ex-situ XRD,ex-situ XPS,and ex-situ FTIR techniques,and the corresponding results reveal that the interfacial passivation combined with polarization effect is an effective strategy for improving the electrochemical performance.The present study provides a deeper insight into the dynamic adjustment of electrode-electrolyte interfacial for solid-state lithium batteries.
Huanhui ChenXing CaoMoujie HuangXiangzhong RenYubin ZhaoLiang YuYa LiuLiubiao ZhongYejun Qiu
Polyimide covalent organic frameworks as efficient solid-state Li^(+) electrolytes
Covalent organic frameworks(COFs) are attractive porous crystalline materials with extremely high stability, easy functionalization, and open channels, which are expected to be unique ion conductors/transporters in lithium ion batteries(LIBs). Despite recent advances, low ion conductivity and low transference number, resulting in low charging/discharging rate, low energy density, and short battery life, are the main issues that limit their direct application as solid electrolytes in LIBs. Here, we designed and synthesized a novel polyimide COF, namely, TAPA-PDI-COF, with abundant C=O groups, which has been successfully employed as high-performance solid electrolytes by doping TAPA-PDI-COF and succinonitrile(SN). Both the well-defined nanochannels of COFs and SN confined in the well-aligned channels restricted the free migration of anions, while C=O on COFs and CN groups of SN enhanced Li^(+) transport, thus achieving a high ion conductivity of 0.102 m S cm^(-1)at 80 °C and a high lithium-ion transference number of 0.855 at room temperature. According to density functional theory(DFT)calculations, Li-ion migration mainly adopted in-plane transport rather than the axial pathway, which may be due to the shorter hopping distances in the planar pathway. The results suggest an effective strategy for the design and development of all-solidstate ionic conductors for achieving high-performance LIBs.
Xu LiuShi WangSiqi LiuChengfang LiuXiangchun LiJian WuDazhi LiShihao XuChongyang LiuWen-Yong Lai


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研究主题:固体核磁共振 EPR 正极材料 NMR研究 原位
研究主题:核磁共振研究 固体核磁 核磁共振 分子运动 聚集态结构
研究主题:固体核磁 核自旋 单态 分子运动 固体核磁共振
研究主题:水凝胶 树形 纤维素 分子运动 库尔勒香梨