收益管理优化是提高零售商经济收益的有效途径之一.定价是收益管理的引擎和核心技术,对于提高零售商的收益具有重要作用.考虑到在收益管理的实际应用中,预测和优化问题的复杂性,通常采用先对产品需求进行预测,然后对收益进行优化的步骤.在对产品需求进行预测时,通常会面临多个候选模型,即面临模型的不确定性,这时一般会采用模型选择方法确定最终的模型.但传统的模型选择准则包括赤池信息准则(Akaike information criterion,AIC),贝叶斯信息准则(Bayesian information criterion,BIC)等通常只考虑了模型选择对预测精度的影响,而不考虑该预测模型会如何影响接下来的优化决策目标.本文首次在商品的收益管理优化中提出最小化聚焦信息准则(focused information criterion,FIC)这种模型选择准则,运用FIC模型选择准则选择产品需求预测模型,考虑了优化模型的结构,以最小化决策误差,而不是预测误差为目标,来选择预测模型.数值模拟结果表明,在大部分情况下,相比于AIC和BIC两种模型选择准则,考虑决策目标的FIC模型选择准则表现最佳.同时,实证研究结果也验证了考虑决策目标的FIC模型选择准则的优越性.
Introduction: The end of pregnancy is a high-risk period for both mother and foetus. Rigorous monitoring can prevent complications before delivery. Materials and Method: We conducted a descriptive cross-sectional observational study. It took place in the delivery room of the Teacher hospital Mother and Child of Jeanne Ebori Fondation from the 01 October 2020 to 01 October 2021. All patients followed at the Functional Investigation Centre (FIC) of the CHUMEFJE and who gave birth in that same hospital were included. Data were collected on the basis of pregnancy diaries, the fic register and delivery room registers. They were analysed using SPSS Statistical Software. Results: During the period of our study, 4086 parturients arrived in the delivery room. Of these, 150 were followed up at the FIC, giving a prevalence of 3.7%. The majority of parturients (48%) had only one prenatal contact. 6 (4%) patients underwent pelvic scans, and 4 (2.6%) presented with a narrowed pelvis. A vaginal delivery was performed in 80% of cases, and of the caesarean sections, 9 (30%) could be scheduled. The maternal prognosis was marred by one post-partum complication of hypertension, and newborns with poor adaptation to life outside the womb accounted for 3.3% of cases. Conclusion: The Functional Investigation Centre makes it possible to detect anomalies at the end of pregnancy with a view to better planning of delivery.
Ulysse Pascal Minkobame Zaga MinkoOpheelia Makoyo KombaPamphile Assoumou ObiangAnouchka Mewie LendzingaElsy Ntsame MezuiIrenee Edzo MvonoJacques Albert Bang NtamackJean François Meye