搜索到407794篇“ CONDITIONAL“的相关文章
Application of the Conditional Nonlinear Local Lyapunov Exponent to Second-Kind Predictability
In order to quantify the influence of external forcings on the predictability limit using observational data,the author introduced an algorithm of the conditional nonlinear local Lyapunov exponent(CNLLE)method.The effectiveness of this algorithm is validated and compared with the nonlinear local Lyapunov exponent(NLLE)and signal-to-noise ratio methods using a coupled Lorenz model.The results show that the CNLLE method is able to capture the slow error growth constrained by external forcings,therefore,it can quantify the predictability limit induced by the external forcings.On this basis,a preliminary attempt was made to apply this method to measure the influence of ENSO on the predictability limit for both atmospheric and oceanic variable fields.The spatial distribution of the predictability limit induced by ENSO is similar to that arising from the initial conditions calculated by the NLLE method.This similarity supports ENSO as the major predictable signal for weather and climate prediction.In addition,a ratio of predictability limit(RPL)calculated by the CNLLE method to that calculated by the NLLE method was proposed.The RPL larger than 1 indicates that the external forcings can significantly benefit the long-term predictability limit.For instance,ENSO can effectively extend the predictability limit arising from the initial conditions of sea surface temperature over the tropical Indian Ocean by approximately four months,as well as the predictability limit of sea level pressure over the eastern and western Pacific Ocean.Moreover,the impact of ENSO on the geopotential height predictability limit is primarily confined to the troposphere.
Ming ZHANGRuiqiang DINGQuanjia ZHONGJianping LIDeyu LU
Conditional Generative Adversarial Network Enabled Localized Stress Recovery of Periodic Composites
Structural damage in heterogeneousmaterials typically originates frommicrostructures where stress concentration occurs.Therefore,evaluating the magnitude and location of localized stress distributions within microstructures under external loading is crucial.Repeating unit cells(RUCs)are commonly used to represent microstructural details and homogenize the effective response of composites.This work develops a machine learning-based micromechanics tool to accurately predict the stress distributions of extracted RUCs.The locally exact homogenization theory efficiently generates the microstructural stresses of RUCs with a wide range of parameters,including volume fraction,fiber/matrix property ratio,fiber shapes,and loading direction.Subsequently,the conditional generative adversarial network(cGAN)is employed and constructed as a surrogate model to establish the statistical correlation between these parameters and the corresponding localized stresses.The stresses predicted by cGAN are validated against the remaining true data not used for training,showing good agreement.This work demonstrates that the cGAN-based micromechanics tool effectively captures the local responses of composite RUCs.It can be used for predicting potential crack initiations starting from microstructures and evaluating the effective behavior of periodic composites.
Chengkan XuXiaofei WangYixuan LiGuannan WangHe Zhang
Approximation Maintenance When Adding a Conditional Value in Set-Valued Ordered Decision Systems
The integration of set-valued ordered rough set models and incremental learning signify a progressive advancement of conventional rough set theory, with the objective of tackling the heterogeneity and ongoing transformations in information systems. In set-valued ordered decision systems, when changes occur in the attribute value domain, such as adding conditional values, it may result in changes in the preference relation between objects, indirectly leading to changes in approximations. In this paper, we effectively addressed the issue of updating approximations that arose from adding conditional values in set-valued ordered decision systems. Firstly, we classified the research objects into two categories: objects with changes in conditional values and objects without changes, and then conducted theoretical studies on updating approximations for these two categories, presenting approximation update theories for adding conditional values. Subsequently, we presented incremental algorithms corresponding to approximation update theories. We demonstrated the feasibility of the proposed incremental update method with numerical examples and showed that our incremental algorithm outperformed the static algorithm. Ultimately, by comparing experimental results on different datasets, it is evident that the incremental algorithm efficiently reduced processing time. In conclusion, this study offered a promising strategy to address the challenges of set-valued ordered decision systems in dynamic environments.
Xiaoyu WangYuebin Su
故障诊断在维持多处理器系统的可靠性中起到了至关重要的作用,而诊断度是系统诊断能力的一个重要度量参数。除经典诊断度外还有条件诊断度,如g-好邻条件诊断度、g-额外条件诊断度等。其中g-好邻条件诊断度是在每个无故障顶点至少有g个无故障邻点的条件下定义的一种条件诊断度,g-额外条件诊断度是在每个无故障分支包含超过g个顶点的条件下定义的一种条件诊断度。故障诊断需要在特定的诊断模型下进行,如PMC模型、对称PMC模型等。对称PMC模型是在PMC模型的基础上通过添加两个假设而提出的一种新的诊断模型。n维超立方体因具有多种优越性质而被研究者们广泛研究。目前有不少在PMC模型下的诊断度研究,但缺乏在对称PMC模型下的诊断度研究。文中首先证明了超立方体在对称PMC模型下的g-好邻条件诊断度的上界和下界,当n≥4且0≤g≤n-4时上界为2^(g+1)(n-g-1)+2^(g)-1,当g≥0且n≥max{g+4,2^(g+1)-2^(-g)-g-1}时下界为(2n-2^(g+1)+1)2^(g-1)+(n-g)2^(g-1)-1。还证明了超立方体在对称PMC模型下的g-额外条件诊断度的上界和下界,当n≥4且0≤g≤n-4时上界为2n(g+1)-5g-2C_(g)^(2)-2,当n≥4且0≤g≤min n-4,23 n时下界为3/2n(g+1)-g-5/2C_(g+1)^(2)-1。最后通过模拟实验验证了相关理论结果的正确性。
Solving the subset sum problem by the quantum Ising model with variational quantum optimization based on conditional values at risk
The subset sum problem is a combinatorial optimization problem,and its complexity belongs to the nondeterministic polynomial time complete(NP-Complete)class.This problem is widely used in encryption,planning or scheduling,and integer partitions.An accurate search algorithm with polynomial time complexity has not been found,which makes it challenging to be solved on classical computers.To effectively solve this problem,we translate it into the quantum Ising model and solve it with a variational quantum optimization method based on conditional values at risk.The proposed model needs only n qubits to encode 2ndimensional search space,which can effectively save the encoding quantum resources.The model inherits the advantages of variational quantum algorithms and can obtain good performance at shallow circuit depths while being robust to noise,and it is convenient to be deployed in the Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum era.We investigate the effects of the scalability,the variational ansatz type,the variational depth,and noise on the model.Moreover,we also discuss the performance of the model under different conditional values at risk.Through computer simulation,the scale can reach more than nine qubits.By selecting the noise type,we construct simulators with different QVs and study the performance of the model with them.In addition,we deploy the model on a superconducting quantum computer of the Origin Quantum Technology Company and successfully solve the subset sum problem.This model provides a new perspective for solving the subset sum problem.
Qilin ZhengMiaomiao YuPingyu ZhuYan WangWeihong LuoPing Xu
[目的]为评价网络容错性,以具有高对称性和递归结构的Bubble-sort网络为研究对象,确定其h-extra r-分支边连通度.[方法] Bubble-sort网络Bn可以分解成n个子图Bn(i),其中Bn(i)是由点集{x_(1)x_(2)…x_(n):x_(n)=i}(1≤i≤n)导出的子图,并且Bn(i)同构于B_(n-1),利用它的结构特点,用数学归纳法推理证明了主要结果.[结果]确定了bubble-sort网络的h-extra r-分支边连通度cλ2/3(B_(n))=4n-10(n≥4).[结论]研究了bubble-sort网络的一类条件连通度,可用于衡量网络的可靠性.今后将继续深入研究bubble-sort网络的其他条件连通度.


研究主题:油菜籽 水稻 发育遗传 甘蓝型油菜 近红外反射光谱
研究主题:水稻 稻米 籼稻 遗传学 遗传主效应
研究主题:CONDITIONAL ORDERING 当事人权益 人际意义研究 人际意义
研究主题:IL-6 STAT3 心肌缺血再灌注损伤 拮抗肽 白细胞介素6
研究主题:大麻酚 帕金森病 小鼠 多巴胺 GHRELIN