The creep strain of conventionally treated 2195 alloy is very low,increasing the difficulty of manufacturing Al-Cu-Li alloy sheet parts by creep age forming.Therefore,finding a solution to improve the creep formability of Al-Cu-Li alloy is vital.A thorough comparison of the effects of cryo-deformation and ambient temperature large pre-deformation(LPD)on the creep ageing response in the 2195 alloy sheet at 160℃with different stresses has been made.The evolution of dislocations and precipitates during creep ageing of LPD alloys are revealed by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy.High-quality 2195 alloy sheet largely pre-deformed by 80%without edge-cracking is obtained by cryo-rolling at liquid nitrogen temperature,while severe edge-cracking occurs during room temperature rolling.The creep formability and strength of the 2195 alloy are both enhanced by introducing pre-existing dislocations with a density over 1.4×10^(15)m^(−2).At 160℃and 150 MPa,creep strain and creep-aged strength generally increases by 4−6 times and 30−50 MPa in the LPD sample,respectively,compared to conventional T3 alloy counterpart.The elongation of creep-aged LPD sample is low but remains relevant for application.The high-density dislocations,though existing in the form of dislocation tangles,promote the formation of refined T1 precipitates with a uniform dispersion.