目的:界定迷信心理的维度,编制适合我国大学生的迷信心理量表。利用所编制的大学生迷信心理问卷了解大学生迷信心理现状。方法:对274名大学生进行线上线下发放问卷的模式进行施测和修改,采用问卷的信效度进行修订。结果:通过数据分析之后编制的迷信问卷具有良好的信效度,大学生迷信水平较低。结论:大学生迷信水平低。Purpose: To define the dimension of superstitious psychology and develop a scale of superstitious psychology suitable for Chinese college students. The present situation of college students’ superstitious psychology was studied by using the questionnaire of college students’ superstitious psychology. Methods: 274 college students were tested and modified in the mode of online and offline questionnaires, and the reliability and validity of the questionnaires were revised. Results: The superstition questionnaire compiled by data analysis has good reliability and validity, and the level of superstition of college students is low. Conclusion: College students have low level of superstition.