近地面臭氧已成为影响我国区域空气质量的主要大气污染物,是臭氧前体物经过一系列的光化学反应生成的二次污染物。近地面高浓度臭氧会对生态、环境和人类健康等方面产生负面影响。本文以近地面臭氧为研究对象,在分析城市臭氧时空分布规律的基础上,通过对气象因子优选后利用广义相加模型以当地气象因子为变量对城市臭氧浓度进行拟合,分析影响武汉城市圈近地面臭氧时空分布的主导气象因素。研究结果表明,武汉城市圈臭氧污染一直未有缓解的趋势,处于较高的污染水平,武汉城市圈高浓度臭氧在相同的气候条件下(水热组合)具有一定的相似性,即控制城市臭氧的主导气象因素有一定的地域性特征且主要受温度和下垫面等多方面综合因素的影响,具有气温较高、内陆地区、城市化水平高等特征。Near-surface ozone has become a major atmospheric pollutant affecting regional air quality in China, formed as a secondary pollutant through a series of photochemical reactions from ozone precursors. High concentrations of near-surface ozone can adversely affect ecology, the environment, and human health. This paper focuses on near-surface ozone and, based on an analysis of the spatio-temporal distribution patterns of urban ozone, uses a Generalized Additive Model (GAM) to fit urban ozone concentrations with local meteorological factors as variables after selecting optimal meteorological factors. The study analyzes the dominant meteorological factors influencing the spatio-temporal distribution of near-surface ozone in the Wuhan City Group. The research results indicate that ozone pollution in the Wuhan City Group has shown no trend of alleviation and remains at a relatively high pollution level. High concentrations of ozone in the Wuhan City Group exhibit certain similarities under the same climatic conditions (combinations of water and heat), suggesting that the dominant meteorological factors con