The transboundary influence of environmental change is a critical issue in the Lancang-Mekong region.As the largest river-connected lake in the lower Mekong,the ecological change and influence of Tonle Sap Lake have received widespread attention and discussion,especially after 2008,when the hydrological regime of the Lancang-Mekong River mainstream underwent distinct changes.However,the linkage and coupling mechanism between the lake riparian environment and mainstream water level change are still unclear.In this study,the interannual spatiotemporal changes in land cover in the Tonle Sap Lake riparian zone(TSLRZ)and their relationship with mainstream water levels were analysed.The results showed that the expansion of farmland was the most notable change in 1988–2020.After 2008,the land cover changes intensified,manifested as accelerated farmland expansion,intensified woodland fragmentation and significant water body shrinkage.Furthermore,the responses of the water body,degraded land,wasteland and grassland areas to the mainstream water levels weakened after 2008.Evidently,the land cover changes in the TSLRZ in the last 30 years were less related to the mainstream water level change than to local reclamation and logging.These results can offer a new scientific basis for the transboundary influence analysis of hydrological change.
以黄河下游生态脆弱区-济南南部山区为研究对象,基于区域1980~2020年6期土地利用/覆被数据,结合InVEST模型(Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs model),分析区域土地利用/覆被和碳储量的时空分布特征和动态变化规律,研究土地利用/覆被变化对陆地生态系统碳储量的影响.结果表明,土地利用/覆被变化对碳储量的影响较为显著,1980~2005年土地利用变化较小,人类活动影响较小,由于林草地碳储量的累积,碳储量增长速度明显高于其他时期;2005~2010年城市扩张速度最快,城乡建设用地大量侵占耕地、林地和草地,使区域固碳能力明显下降;2010~2020年,由于城市化扩张限制以及植树造林等生态保护措施的实施,区域碳储量逐渐呈增长趋势;1980~2020年济南南部山区的总碳储量呈“增长-下降-增长”的趋势;并且林地是济南南部山区碳储量的主要供给者,区域碳储量值随着远离城乡居民生活中心的距离增大而增大,说明人类活动对区域碳储量有重要的影响.另外,土地利用类型的转移引起地类碳密度的变化,是区域碳储量变化的主要影响因素,土地利用类型的碳储量变化与各地类的面积变化有一定的关系.该成果可为生态脆弱区塑造良好的陆地碳汇格局提供理论依据.