随着中国城市化进程的加速,农村地区留守老人问题日益突出。这些老人通常因子女外出务工或移居城市而长期独居或与配偶相依为命。缺乏家庭和社区的支持,留守老人面临严重的心理健康问题,如孤独、抑郁等。本文深入分析农村留守老人精神养老的现状及其面临的困境,提出了政策、社区支持和心理健康干预等方面的优化路径和具体建议,旨在为改善留守老人的生活质量和心理健康提供理论支持和实践指导。With the acceleration of China’s urbanization process, the problem of left-behind elderly people in rural areas has become increasingly prominent. These elderly people often live alone or with their spouses for a long time because of their children’s migrant work or migration to cities. Without family and community support, left-behind elderly people face serious mental health problems, such as loneliness and depression. This paper makes an in-depth analysis of the current situation of spiritual care for the elderly left behind in rural areas and the difficulties they face, and puts forward optimization paths and specific suggestions in terms of policies, community support and mental health intervention, aiming at providing theoretical support and practical guidance for improving the quality of life and mental health of the elderly left behind.