为积极响应国家“双碳”号召,企业将绿色创新置于新的战略高度。如何有效利用数字化发展浪潮赋能绿色创新成为了企业必须持续关注的关键议题。本文基于2010~2022年中国沪深A股上市公司数据检验数字化转型对绿色创新的影响以及管理层股权激励的调节效应。研究发现:第一,数字化转型通过优化生产管理流程、洞察产品技术需求、突破融资信息约束,为绿色创新提供坚实的技术、平台、资金支持,全面赋能企业绿色创新;第二,管理层股权激励作为关键驱动力,通过降低代理成本、提升企业韧性加速数字化转型与绿色创新融合;第三,上述赋能效应及管理层股权的催化效果在东部地区公司和国有企业中更为显著。期望为企业通过数字技术驱动绿色创新提供实践启示。In response to the “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality” goals, enterprises place green innovation at a new strategic height, how to effectively utilize the wave of digital development to empower green innovation has become a key issue that enterprises must continue to focus on. Based on the data of China’s Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share listed companies from 2010 to 2022, this paper examines the impact of digital transformation on green innovation and the moderating effect of equity incentives for management. The research findings are as follows: First, digital transformation provides solid technological, platform, and financial support for green innovation by optimizing production management processes, gaining insights into product technology needs, and overcoming financing information constraints, thereby comprehensively empowering enterprises’ green innovation. Second, equity incentives for management, as a key driving force, accelerate the integration of digital transformation and green innovation by reducing agency costs and enhancing corporate resilience. Third, the aforementioned empowering effect and the catalytic effect of management