《年会不能停》是2023年元旦档的喜剧电影。本文从语用学的角度入手,以Leech的礼貌原则为理论依据,采用定性分析的方法对喜剧电影《年会不能停》中的人物对白进行了幽默分析。本文的研究主要从“遵循礼貌原则”和“违背礼貌原则”两个角度出发,选取了电影中有代表性的例子来做相关分析,并据此说明了电影背后幽默效果。这不仅为电影幽默分析提供了新的视角,也为语用学在影视研究中的应用提供了有益的参考。“Johnny Keep Walking” is a comedy movie released on New Year’s Day in 2023. This article starts from the perspective of pragmatics, using Leech’s politeness principle as the theoretical basis, and adopts a qualitative analysis method to conduct a humorous analysis of the dialogues of characters in the comedy film “Johnny Keep Walking”. The research in this article mainly starts from two perspectives: “following the principle of politeness” and “violating the principle of politeness”. Representative examples from movies are selected for relevant analysis, and based on this, the humorous effect behind movies is explained. This not only provides a new perspective for analyzing film humor, but also provides useful references for the application of pragmatics in film and television research.
本文以The Adventures of Tom Sawyer英文原著以及成时的中文译本为研究对象,借鉴利奇(Geoffrey Leech)的礼貌原则为理论支撑,基于儿童文学的独特性,探讨了儿童文学中礼貌原则的违反现象,研究发现成时在翻译过程中通过添加语气、增强情感和明晰内涵等策略有效传达“不礼貌”话语的语用意义。本研究旨在为提升儿童文学翻译质量及跨文化交流提供参考意义。