Phylogenetic relationships of Pamphagidae were examined using cytochrome oxidase subunit I(cox1) gene sequences.Eleven species of Pamphagidae from 7 genera were sequenced to obtain mt DNA data,along with 2 species from the Gen Bank nucleotide database.The results of sequence comparisons showed the cox1 gene is 1 534 bp in length,including 326 varible sites and 211 parsimonious information sites.The percentage of A +T is 67.1% in the nucleotide sequences,showing a strong AT bias.Genetic distances among subfamilies are 0.08.Using Locusta migratoria as outgroup,the phylogenetic trees were reconstructed with NJ,MP,ML and Bayesian inferences,and the results showed that the clustering results were approximately identical to that of classical morphological classification.Thrinchinae and Pamphaginae were a monophyletic group,respectively.Two species of the genus Asiotmethis of Prionotropisinae did not get together with other species of Prionotropisinae,classification position of Asiotmethis should be further discussed by both genetic markers and morphological features.The current genus Filchnerella of Prionotropisinae was not a monophyletic group.
记述了采自摩洛哥土尔蝗属Tuarega1新种,瓦尔扎扎特土尔蝗Tuarega ouarzazatensissp.nov.,模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆。尔瓦扎扎特土尔蝗,新种Tuarega ouarzazatensissp.nov.(图1-6)新种与Tuarega insignis(Lucas,1851)近似,区别特征为:前胸背板沟后区宽大于长,前翅中脉与肘脉不闭合,前翅肘脉有2个分支。正模♀,摩洛哥瓦尔扎扎特东南10km,海拔1100m,2009-03-04,Martin Husemann和Jan Habel博士(NaturalHistory Museum of Luxembourg)采。词源:新种种名出自摩洛哥的瓦尔扎扎特,模式标本产地。