基于能动–结构整合取向的理念,以结构化理论为主要视角,探索城市老年人采取自雇经济行为以对抗生活困境与挑战,进而从社会结构的限制与约束、街头空间的博弈与互动、个人取向的动机与需求三方面探析城市老年流动摊贩的形成机制,并从参与动机、社会背景与经营方式三个角度建构城市老年流动摊贩的理想类型,提出针对城市老年流动摊贩的有效治理对策。Based on the concept of the Agency-Structure Integration Approach, this study adopts structuration theory as the primary perspective to explore how elderly urban mobile vendors engage in self-employment to confront life difficulties and challenges. The formation mechanisms of these vendors are examined from three aspects: the constraints of social structures, the interactions and negotiations within street spaces, and the motivations and needs of individual orientations. Furthermore, the study constructs ideal types of elderly urban mobile vendors based on their participation motivations, social backgrounds, and business strategies, and proposes effective governance strategies tailored to this group.