格助词“に”“で”“を”均可表示“场所”意义,三者用法的区分是日语学习和教学的一大重难点。为推动日语格助词习得及教学发展,本文基于“北京日语学习者历时语料库B-JAS”,对学习者从大一到大四4年间的11次作文语料展开分析,探讨了中国日语学习者在场所格助词“に”“で”“を”习得过程中的发展变化。研究结果显示,场所格助词的使用频率及正用率从高到低依次为“に”、“で”、“を”,“を”的习得总体上发展滞后。五个时期内三者使用频率及正用率变化均具有显著性差异。The case particles “に” “で” and “を” can all express the meaning of “location” and the distinction of their usage is a major difficulty in Japanese learning and teaching. In order to promote the acquisition and teaching development of Japanese case auxiliaries, this paper is based on the “Beijing Japanese Learners Diachronic Corpus (B-JAS)” by analyzing 11 compositions from freshmen to seniors, this paper explores the development of Chinese learners’ acquisition of the locative particles “に” “で” and “を”.The results show that the order of frequency and usage of locative particles is “に” “で” “を”. The acquisition of locative particles lags behind. There were significant differences in the usage frequency and usage rate among the three groups in the five periods.