介词在虚词中是属于功能较为复杂,所涉及的范围也比较广泛的那一部分,在汉语的语法中占有很重要的地位,也因此在对外汉语教学中介词的教学成为重难点之一。本文以HSK动态作文语料库作为语料来源,主要研究日本留学生在使用介词“从”的时候产生偏误的类型和原因。偏误类型概括为“缺失”“多加”和“混用”,进而从介词本身、学习者个人、教学与教材方面分析偏误原因,并提出相应的教学策略,希望可以为日本留学生更好掌握和使用介词“从”提供一定帮助。Prepositions are part of virtual words that are more complex in function and involve a relatively wide range. They play a very important role in Chinese grammar. Therefore, the teaching of intermediary words in Chinese as a foreign language has become one of the key and difficult points. This article takes the HSK dynamic composition corpus as the source of the corpus, and mainly studies the types and causes of biases caused by Japanese students when using the preposition “Cong”. The type of bias is summarised as “missing”, “multiple” and “mixed”, and then analyse the causes of the bias Cong the preposition itself, the individual learner, teaching and textbook, and put forward the corresponding teaching strategy, hoping to provide some help for Japanese students to better master and use the preposition “Cong”.
日本文部科学省直属独立行政法人日本学生支援机构(JASSO)官网为大家提供全面可靠的日本留学资讯(查找学校、奖学金介绍、留学费用、留日生活等),同时有简体中文版《2022-2023 STUDY IN JAPAN基本指南》可供大家参考。日本教育制度日本的高等教育是从完成初等教育(小学6年)以及中等教育(初中3年,高中3年)这12年之后开始的。