民办高校专任教师是确保民办高校教育可正常、平稳进行的重要推动力量,保障其权益是民办高校能够稳定发展的重要前提,民办高校教师权益保障的根本源泉在于科学合理的高等教育法制。本文研究分析了当前民办高校教师权益在劳动、学术、民主管理等方面保障的实际状况,指出当前存在的存在法律法规执行不力、高校内部管理不善、教师维权意识与能力不足等问题。分析所发现的问题,从完善法制体系、优化高校管理机制、增强教师维权能力、建立社会支持体系等多维度提出针对性策略。旨在通过健全保障机制,拓展教师权益空间,为推动高等民办教育事业高质量发展,为培养高素质人才奠定坚实基础。The full-time teaching staff of private colleges and universities constitute a significant driving force in guaranteeing the normal and seamless functioning of educational institutions in the private sector. The safeguarding of their rights and interests represents a crucial foundation for the stable advancement of private colleges and universities. The fundamental basis for the protection of the rights and interests of teachers in private colleges and universities is the scientific and reasonable higher education legal system. This paper examines the actual situation regarding the safeguarding of the rights and interests of teachers in private colleges and universities regarding labor, academic matters, and democratic management. It identifies several problems, including the ineffective implementation of relevant legislation and regulations, poor internal management within colleges and universities, and insufficient awareness and ability among teachers to safeguard their rights and interests. Following an analysis of the issues identified, the paper puts forward targeted strategies from the perspective of improving the legal system, optimizing the management mechanism of universities, enhancing teachers’ rights protection a