生活节奏不断加快,交通事故、急重症疾病增加等原因,导致丧偶单亲母亲的数量急剧攀升。丧偶单亲母亲作为较特殊的弱势群体,在配偶去世之后,面临着生活水平下降、支持网络受损、家庭角色转变和亲子关系冲突等困境,丧偶单亲母亲这一群体往往会表现出复杂情绪交织的现象。社会工作以弱势群体为服务对象,关注其与环境之间的互动关系,能系统地为服务对象提供帮助,解决困难。本文从微观的角度出发,以王女士为个案研究对象,通过与其进行深入访谈,观察案主的一系列情绪表现,获得来自实际的第一手材料,在ABC理论指导下,本文分析了案主复杂情绪产生的机制,并以社会支持理论为支撑,运用社会工作的方法进行介入,帮助丧偶单亲母亲走出困境,总结出社会工作介入丧偶单亲母亲情绪问题的对策。The rhythm of life continues to accelerate, and the number of widowed single mothers has risen sharply due to the increase in traffic accidents and acute and severe diseases. Widowed single mothers, as a special vulnerable group, face the dilemma of declining living standards, impaired support networks, family role changes, and parent-child relationship conflicts after the death of their spouses. This group of widowed single mothers often show mixed emotions. Social work takes disadvantaged groups as service objects, pays attention to the interaction between them and the environment, and can systematically provide help to service objects and solve difficulties. This article starts from a microscopic point of view, takes Ms. Wang as a case intervention object, conducts in-depth interviews with her, observes a series of emotional expressions of the client, and obtains first-hand materials from reality. Under the guidance of ABC theory, this article analyzes the mechanism of the complex emotions generated by the client, and the social work method is used to intervene with the support of social support theor