Valence and all electron correlation energies of a large set of atoms and molecules with structural motifs from amino acids and peptides at their equilibrium as well as non-equilibrium geometries are calculated at the levels of MP2, RI-MP2, and CCSD (T) with Dunnings sequential correlation consistent basis sets. A two point basis set extrapolation scheme for correlation energies to the complete basis set limit based on only DZ (double-zeta) and TZ (triple-zeta) results is presented and analyzed. We show that this basis set extrapolation scheme reduces the computational cost by two to three orders of magnitude to obtain the same accuracy as simpler extrapolations from higher order basis set computations.
Electron momentum distributions for 4a1 orbitals of serial freon molecules CFaC1, CF2Cl2, and CFCl3 (CFxC14-x, x=1-3) have been reanalyzed due to the severe discrepancies between theory and experiment in low momentum region. The tentative calculations using equilibrium geometries of molecular ions have exhibited a great improvement in agreement with the experimental data, which suggests that the molecular geometry distortion may be responsible for the observed high intensities at p〈0.5 a.u.. Further analyses show that the severe discrepancies at low momentum region mainly arise from the influence of molecular geometry distortion on C-Cl bonding electron density distributions.