The chiral magnetic effect (CME) refers to a charge separation along a strong magnetic field due to an imbalanced chirality of quarks from interactions with the vacuum topological gluon field. This chiral anomaly is a fundamental property of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and, therefore, an observation of the CME would have far-reaching impact on our understanding of QCD and Nature. The measurements of the CME-sensitive azimuthal correlator Δγ observable in heavy-ion collisions are contaminated by a major background induced by elliptic flow anisotropy. Several novel approaches have been carried out, including a dedicated isobar collision program, to address this flow-induced background. Further background effects, arising from nonflow correlations, have been studied. While the isobar data are consistent with zero CME signal with an upper limit of 10% of the measured Δγ, the Au+Au midcentral data suggest a positive CME signal on the order of 10% of the measured Δγ with a significance of ~2 standard deviations. Future increased statistics and improved detector capability should yield a firm conclusion on the existence (or the lack) of the CME in relativistic heavy-ion collisions.