试图运用波场动力学途径,旨在增强观测系统分析评估,本文提出基于单程波方程的角度域照明分析方法.本文方法不仅可用于观测系统设计,对叠前成像资料的考量、叠前振幅补偿和AVA(Amplitude Versus Angle,振幅随角度变化)反演也必具重要的意义.文中通过目的层邻域单个绕射点的正、反传波场分析,给出地下目标的水平和倾斜界面随角度变化的成像照明强度.单程波方法可用于模拟地震波在复杂速度构造下的传播,并得到较准确的幅值和多次到达的波场,用以对绕射点正、反传分析时可在照明分析中简明地利用幅值信息和多次到达的波场.本文方法可显现复杂盖层下目标的照明情况.本文中也对照明能量随传播距离的几何扩散进行补偿,突显了角度域的照明均匀度和范围,从而使得所分析的结果可直接应用于AVA的分析及补偿.针对照明分析的特点,文中建议可用一种快速的单程波波场延拓策略——频率速度相关变步长波场深度延拓.数值实验结果表明了本文方法是可行且有效的.
Traditional pre-stack depth migration can only provide subsurface structural information. However, simple structure information is insufficient for petroleum exploration which also needs amplitude information proportional to reflection coefficients. In recent years, pre-stack depth migration algorithms which preserve amplitudes and based on the one- way wave equation have been developed. Using the method in the shot domain requires a deconvolution imaging condition which produces some instability in areas with complicated structure and dramatic lateral variation in velocity. Depth migration with preserved amplitude based on the angle domain can overcome the instability of the one-way wave migration imaging condition with preserved amplitude. It can also offer provide velocity analysis in the angle domain of common imaging point gathers. In this paper, based on the foundation of the one-way wave continuation operator with preserved amplitude, we realized the preserved amplitude prestack depth migration in the angle domain. Models and real data validate the accuracy of the method.