多义词“还有”是国际中文教育教学过程中的重点词汇之一,在留学生进行跨文化交际过程中能够正确地使用发挥着不可替代的作用。笔者根据全球汉语中介语语料库中“还有”的语料内容,采用定量定性的研究方法研究了留学生使用“还有”时所产生的偏误情况。本文把分析偏误类型分为“误代、误加、遗漏”三种情况,并进一步分析偏误产生的原因,从而帮助留学生更有效地习得“还有”。The polysemous word “Hai You” is one of the keywords in the process of international Chinese education and teaching, and it plays an irreplaceable role in the correct use of foreign students in cross-cultural communication. Based on the corpus content of “Hai You” in the global Chinese Interlanguage Corpus, the author uses quantitative and qualitative research methods to study the errors made by foreign students when using “Hai You”. In this paper, the types of analysis errors are divided into three situations: “wrong generation, wrong addition and omission”, and the causes of errors are further analyzed, so as to help foreign students acquire “you” more effectively.